
Function argument validator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arguard from '';



Function argument validator.

Throws an error if the argument being tested is of wrong type or doesn't meet specified criteria.


var arguard = require('arguard');

function foo(bar, baz, options){
    arguard.number(bar, 'bar');
    arguard.string(baz, 'baz').oneOf(['local', 'remote']);
    arguard.object(options, arguard.names.options);


Function Throws errof if
bool(arg, argName) typeof arg !== 'boolean'
object(arg, argName) typeof arg !== 'object' OR !arg
array(arg, argName) !Array.isArray(arg)
func(arg, argName) typeof arg !== 'function'
number(arg, argName) typeof arg !== 'number' OR Number.isNaN(arg)
number(arg, argName).positive() as above AND arg <= 0
string(arg, argName) typeof arg !== 'string'
string(arg, argName).oneOf(['str1', 'str2']) as above AND (arg != 'str1' AND arg != 'str2')
string(arg, argName).nonempty() typeof arg !== 'string' AND arg !== ''

arguard.maybe.number(..), arguard.maybe.string(..), arguard.maybe.bool(..), arguard.maybe.func(..) allow first argument to be undefined but otherwise behave as specified above.

arguard.names is an object with 3 keys, which holds strings for common arguments names:

    params: 'params',
    options: 'options',
    cb: 'cb'

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