
an arithmetic simple language

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ariMath from '';



Runs math expression through parser and then evaluate the value.

Getting Started

for installing run

$ git clone
$ npm install

some scripts are added for convenience

$ npm start
$ npm test
$ npm run build

get master branch for better supports or get ast-parser for faster and revisted parser ad evaluator.


  • the following operators are legal: +, -, *, /, %, ^.

  • numbers can be both integers, floating numbers and Infinity.

  • the following functions are available:

    • cos (length: 1)
    • sin (length: 1)
    • tan (length: 1)
    • abs (length: 1)
    • log (length: 1)
    • floor (length: 1)
    • sqrt (length: 1)
    • max (length: as many as you want)
  • constants can be used. they need to be in capital letters only. they are the same as the constants in Math object.

  • parameters can be used too. just use lower-cased chars and for each char the program will ask for its value.

  • also supports equations. just put one parameter in the equation and add = sign.

Language Features

Import Statements

this statement will add file'S progmam to the top of the file import '<FILE_NAME>' FILE_NAME - relative path to the current filename

Function Statements

this statements creates a function reusable code func <NAME>(...PARAMS) <STATEMENT>

NAME - the name of the function PARAMS - list of parameters seperated by commas STATEMENT - the statement to evaluate and return from the function