NodeJS Aria Systems SDK
This SDK allows calling Aria Systems API using NodeJS.
This has been refactored to remove all 3rd party dependencies and now uses the native Promise object
var Aria = require('aria-sdk-unofficial');
var tenant = {
env: 'SF',
clientNo: 123345,
authKey: 'auth-key-goes-here',
var aria = new Aria(tenant);
Additional Aria() options
Method signature: Aria(tenant, override, debug, timeout)
- tenant: Object with env, clientNo, authKey specified
- override: object with the following parameters (none or all overrides can be specified)
- outputFormat: string = (defaults to JSON)
- host: object = core, object, admintools properties.
- This override the 'env' property on the tenant parameter.
- If one is provided, all must be provided.
- These should be host of the Aria server. e.x.: core: ''
- debug: boolean parameter specifying if debugging data, such as the payload, should be logged to the console
- timeout: number = HTTP request timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 12000.
Making API request
Use the call method on the Aria object.
The call function has the following signature: function(type: 'core' | 'object' | 'admintools', restCall: string, payload?: Object, callback?: Function)
- type: string = Aria API type. Either core, object, or admintools
- restCall: string = Api call name of the Aria api call
- payload: Object = Optional data to send with request, defaults to {}
- callback: Function = Optional callback if not using promises
Making call with no payload'core', 'authenticate_caller')
.then(function(data) {
.catch(function(err) {
Making call with payload'core', 'get_acct_details_all', {acct_no: 123456})
.then(function(data) {
.catch(function(err) {
Callback based (may be deprecated in future versions)'core', 'authenticate_caller', null, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err);
Sample Output
{ error_code: 0, error_msg: "ok" }