Generate a lot a ARK wallets 👛
Generate a lot of ARK wallets quickly. This can be useful to find a fun wallet address.
Uses Node.js Worker Threads for optimal performance (will use a Polyfill if Node.js version is less than 12).
$ yarn global add ark-wallet-mass-generator
# or npm i -g ark-wallet-mass-generator
$ ark-wallet-mass-generator --help
$ ark-wallet-mass-generator
--file -f Output file [Default: "_arkWallets.txt"]
--amount -a Amount of wallets to generate [Default: 100]
--network -n Blockchain network [Default: "devnet"]
--no-logs Hide all logging output
--show-wallets Print wallets to the terminal instead of the progress bar [Default: false]
$ ark-wallet-mass-generator
$ ark-wallet-mass-generator --network="mainnet"
$ ark-wallet-mass-generator --file="_arkWallets.txt" --amount 500000
$ ark-wallet-mass-generator --amount 500 --no-logs --network="testnet"
$ ark-wallet-mass-generator --show-wallets
Generated wallets will be appended to your output file with the following format:
AazdtKbM6dwBPmRpdYySE4GGUyGhCpKmCM;topic crush heart chase return breeze boil laugh silly antenna hen width
AH3tAPYZyYeLFb6nEcGyY8xKY2WmfQqv2W;forest pepper sauce flat flame object basic odor wall dutch mail mosquito
AM3DCuCdZtLEsC9KFDqU7Dhme7Tce7D6mF;clerk rookie direct saddle mesh eye confirm have silly doll enact profit
ASfKW3gsjF3FMyXgyp3WK77f2k6rdCsNKZ;fence banner dirt uniform dawn fan ribbon ill person banana ridge stone
Programmatic usage
$ yarn add ark-wallet-mass-generator
# or npm i ark-wallet-mass-generator
Generate some wallets in memory and returns them. If you generate a lot (I mean, a very huge amount), you may run out of memory and should use generateWalletsFs instead.
import { generateWallets } from 'ark-wallet-mass-generator'
const wallets = await generateWallets({
amount: 500, // Amount of wallets
network: 'devnet' // Target ARK network
// => { address: string; passphrase: string }[]
Generate some wallets and append them to a file as they gets generated.
Wallets are not stored in memory after generation, there's no limit to the amount of wallets you can generate with this.
import { generateWalletsFs } from 'ark-wallet-mass-generator'
await generateWalletsFs({
file: '_arkWallets.txt', // Output file
amount: 500, // Amount of wallets
network: 'devnet', // Target ARK network
logs: false // Hide console logging
// => Wallets were appended to `_arkWallets.txt`
Intel Core i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz (8 cores)
Generated 20000 wallets to "_arkWallets.txt" in 208s.
=> 96.15 wallets/s
- ipfs-ark-stamp - 📝 Add files to IPFS and stamp its IPFS CID hash permanently on the ARK Blockchain