
A simple package to compress / decompress large arrays

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arrayCompression from '';


Array Compression


npm install array-compression

Available Methods

Method Description
create_1d Creates a 1-Dimensional array
create_2d Creates a 2-Dimensional array
create_3d Creates a 3-Dimensional array
compress Compresses an array along with its metadata (optional)
uncompress Uncompresses the array to its original form


const array = require("array-compression");

Creating a 1D array

Expected input : Array Size. The value field is optional, it can be an integer, string or list, if not provided an array will be populated with the default value - 0

size = INT
Value = (Optional)
array.create_1d(size, Value)

Creating a 2D array

Expected input : Height (x) and Width (y) of the array. The value field is optional, it can be an integer, string or list, if not provided an array will be populated with the default value - 0

height = INT
width = INT
Value = (Optional)
array.create_2d(height, width, Value)

Creating a 3D array

Expected input : Length (z), height (x) and Width (y) of the array. The value field is optional, it can be an integer, string or list, if not provided an array will be populated with the default value - 0

height = INT
width = INT
Value = (Optional)
array.create_3d(length, height, width, Value)

Compressing an Array

let input = array.create_3d(3, 2, 1);
let metadata = { test: "dummy data" }; // Optional field
array.compress(input, metadata).then(result => {
  // returns an Array buffer

Uncompressing an Array

input = ARRAYBUFFER generated using the compress method
array.uncompress(input).then(uncompressed_data => {
   /* returns 
      data: contains the uncompressed array
      metadata: contains the associated metadata
