
Converts arrays to object keys and values

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arrayHashConversion from '';


Array to Hash Conversion NPM Package

This is a module used to quickly and easily convert an array or arrays into a hash map. It supports uneven array lengths and incremental values.


  • Install the package

yarn add array-hash-conversion

  • Require the package

const arrayHashConversion = require('array-hash-conversion')


1.1 - Parameter Update

  • null is no longer required when only using keyArray and incStart


The function takes one argument and has two overloads.


arrayHashConversion(keyArray, valueArray)

arrayHashConversion(keyArray, incStart = 0)

keyArray represents the array that will become the object keys and must not be null.

valueArray represents the array that will become the values.

incStart is the starting incrementing value that will become the value of all keys when not using valueArray.

If valueArray is less than keyArray, the values will be repeated once the length of keyArray is exceeded.

If only keyArray is supplied, values will be incremented starting at 0.


arrayHashConversion(['Name', 'Age', 'Location'], ['John Doe', 27, 'USA']) returns { Name: 'John Doe', Age: 27, Location: 'USA' }

arrayHashConversion(['Answer1', 'Answer2', 'Answer3', 'Answer4'], ['A', 'B']) returns { Answer1: 'A', Answer2: 'B', Answer3: 'A', Answer4: 'B' }

arrayHashConversion(['Key1', 'Key2', 'Key3']) returns { Key1: 0, Key2: 1, Key3: 2 }

arrayHashConversion(['Key1', 'Key2', 'Key3'], 1) returns { Key1: 1, Key2: 2, Key3: 3 }

Bugs and Feature Requests

Please use the Issues to provide any bug reports and array/object-related feature requests.