It can manage your data by using an array, it can also save your array data permanently in a JSON file and get it. Basically, it acts as a data storage for your arrays. For example, during your script execution you pushed an object to an array but when you refreshed the script, the data vanished this is because array only acts as a temporary data storage and for that matter this script was created where you can save your array data while pushing and get it at the same time.
npm install array-management
npm install fs-extra
npm install system-sleep
var grab = require('array-management');
var processarray = grab.arr
var getarray = grab.getdata
var array = ['hey', 'one', 'two', 'three']; //small array
processarray(array, 'well');
var test = getarray('well');
console.log(test[0]) //hey
npm test
You are free to contribute if you experience any bugs, it would be appreciated for sure.
Useful features:
Add data faster than ever
Format and optimize larger arrays
Get data faster than ever
Take up less space
Create JSON files to store your array data
Can process up larger/smaller arrays in a short-span of time along with file creation
Handles your data correctly and does not mess it up
- Give options to choose different data storages instead of just using JSON.
- Use promises for writing = complete
- Switch to async/await = complete