
Creates a new object with the returned keys and values of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arrayMapToObject from '';



Like map(), but creates object keys and values instead of array. mapToObject creates a new object with the returned keys and values of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.

Published as .js, .mjs, umd.js including type definitions for TypeScript.


const newObject = mapToObject(array, (currentValue[, index[, array]]) => {
  // Return key for object item
  // or [key, value] tuple (array) for key and value
  // or { key, value } object for key and value
}, [, thisArg]);


import mapToObject from "array-map-to-object";

Using a property for key to create object

const users = [{ name: "George", basketSize: 3 }, { name: "Lisa", basketSize: 2 }];
const usersLookup = mapToObject(users, user =>;
// Callback returns only key, value is same item. `usersLookup` is:
// { George: { name: "George", basketSize: 3 }, Lisa: { name: "Lisa", basketSize: 2 } }

Creating custom object using key/value pair.

const users = [{ name: "George", basketSize: 3 }, { name: "Lisa", basketSize: 2 }];
const usersLookup = mapToObject(users, user => [, user.basketSize]);
// Callback returns [key, value] tuple (array). First returned value used for key, second for value. `usersLookup` is:
// { George: 3, Lisa: 2 }

Creating custom object using key/value object.

const users = [{ name: "George", basketSize: 3 }, { name: "Lisa", basketSize: 2 }];
const usersLookup = mapToObject(users, user => ({ key:, value: user.basketSize }));
// Callback returns { key, value } object. `usersLookup` is:
// { George: 3, Lisa: 2 }

Mapping an array of numbers to an array of square roots

const numbers = [1, 4, 9];
const roots = mapToObject(numbers, num => [num, Math.sqrt(num)]);
// `roots` is { 1: 1, 4: 2, 9: 3 }




Type aliases


Type aliases


Ƭ Key: string | number | symbol

Defined in array-map-to-object.ts:4

Type of key used in created object.


Ƭ KeyProducer: function

Defined in array-map-to-object.ts:13

Callback function that produces an element of the created object, which returns only single value used for key. Current array item is used as the value for the key in created object.


Type declaration:

▸ (currentValue: T, index: number, array: T[]): K


Name Type Description
currentValue T is the current element being processed in the array.
index number is the index of the current element being processed in the array.
array T[] is the array map was called upon.


Ƭ KeyValueProducer: function

Defined in array-map-to-object.ts:29

Callback function that produces an element of the created object, which returns values used for key and value in created object.


Type declaration:

▸ (currentValue: T, index: number, array: T[]): [K, V] | object


Name Type Description
currentValue T is the current element being processed in the array.
index number is the index of the current element being processed in the array.
array T[] is the array map was called upon.



mapToObject<T, K, V>(array: T[], callback: KeyValueProducerT, K, V, thisArg?: any): Record<K, V>

Defined in array-map-to-object.ts:58

Creates a new object with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array. Returned key and value is added to created object.

mapToObject calls a provided callback function once for each element in an array, in order, and constructs a new object from the results. callback is invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned values, including undefined. It is not called for missing elements of the array (that is, indexes that have never been set, which have been deleted or which have never been assigned a value).#### Example

const array = ["Red", "Green"];
mapToObject(array, (currentValue) => [currentValue.toUpperCase(), currentValue.toLowerCase()]); // { "RED": "red", "GREEN": "green" }
mapToObject(array, (currentValue) => { key: currentValue.toUpperCase(), value: currentValue.toLowerCase() }); // { "RED": "red", "GREEN": "green" }

Type parameters:


is array elements.

K: Key

is keys of returned object.


is values of returned object.


Name Type
array T[]
callback KeyValueProducerT, K, V
thisArg? any

Returns: Record<K, V>

mapToObject<T, K>(array: T[], callback: KeyProducerT, K, thisArg?: any): Record<K, T>

Defined in array-map-to-object.ts:72

Creates a new object with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array. Returned key and current array item (as value) is added to created object.

mapToObject calls a provided callback function once for each element in an array, in order, and constructs a new object from the results. callback is invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned values, including undefined. It is not called for missing elements of the array (that is, indexes that have never been set, which have been deleted or which have never been assigned a value).#### Example

const array = ["Red", "Green"];
mapToObject(array, (currentValue) => currentValue.toUpperCase()); // { "RED": "Red", "GREEN": "Green" }

Type parameters:


is array elements.

K: Key

is keys of returned object.


Name Type
array T[]
callback KeyProducerT, K
thisArg? any

Returns: Record<K, T>