
Maybe monad implementation with using of arrays

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arraybe from '';



This is an implementation of the Maybe monad using array


nothing :: Maybe

It is a nothing value


const nothing = Object.freeze([]);

empty :: () => Maybe

It is a function that returns nothing


const empty = () => []

just :: T => Maybe T

It takes a value and wrap it with Maybe monad


const just = x => [x];

of :: T => Maybe T

It's an equivalent of just

isJust :: Maybe T => boolean

It takes a Maybe monad and returns true if it contains a value.


const isJust = maybeValue => maybeValue.length > 0;

isNothing :: Maybe T => boolean

It takes a Maybe monad and returns true if it doesn't contain a value.


const isNothing = maybeValue => maybeValue.length === 0;

equals :: Maybe T => Maybe T => boolean

It takes two maybe monads and returns true if they are equal.

Simple definition:

const equals = (a, b) => {
  return (
    (isNothing(a) && isNothing(b)) || (isJust(a) && isJust(b) && a[0] === b[0]) // both contains same value

This is a curried function:

equals(a, b) === equals(a)(b);

lte :: Maybe T => Maybe T => boolean

It takes two maybe values and returns true if first is less or equal then second

lte(nothing, just(...)); // true
lte(just(1), just(2)); // true
lte(just(2), just(2)); // true
lte(just(3), just(2)); // false
lte(just(...), nothing)  // false

lteWith :: ((a,b) => boolean) => Maybe T => Maybe T

It takes function that desides if inner value of first maybe less or equal then innerValue of second maybe value.

const arrayLengthLte = (arr1, arr2) => arr1.length <= arr2.length

const maybeArrayLte = lteWith(arrayLengthLte)

maybeArrayLte(nothing, ...)    // true
maybeArrayLte(nothing, just([])) // true
maybeArrayLte(just([]), nothing) // false
maybeArrayLte(just([]), just([])) // true
maybeArrayLte(just([]), just([1])) // true
maybeArrayLte(just([2]), just([1])) // true

lte can be rewritten as:

const lte = (maybeA, maybeB) => lteWith(
  (a,b) => a <= b,