
An Express.js application that pings your urls and warns you about HTTP status code changes by email

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arrowbreakerSup from '';


Arrowbreaker: Sup

Sup is an easy to setup web application for Node.js that will ping your urls and warn by email if their HTTP status code changes.

  • link to demo.
  • link arrowbreaker


This module is open source but not free. More info soon (link to arrowbreaker)


npm install arrowbreaker-sup



var settings = {

  // Gmail example
  email_server: {
    user: '',
    password: 'yourpassword',
    host: '',
    ssl: true

  from: 'Sup <>',        // <optional> Defaults: Sup <>
  interval: 5000,                           // <optional> Defaults: 10000
  data_file: __dirname + '/data.json',      // <optional> Defaults: __dirname/data.json


var sup = require('arrowbreaker-sup')(settings); // Initialize sup

  • We use the wonderful emailjs module. The email_server option gets passed directly into email.server.connect method. So check their documentation to for more options. The email server is optional but you wont get an email warnings without it.
  • The interval option is the amount of time between each ping.
  • The data_file option should point to a file on disk where sup will store your settings in a json format. If the doesn't exist it will be create.

Basic (examples/app.js)

var http = require('http');

var server = http.createServer(;  // This returns an Express.js app and creates an http server;
sup.socket(server);                         // Socket IO needs an http server

As an Express.js sub-app (examples/app_sub.js)

var http = require('http');
var base = express();

base.use('/sup',;                // Attach sup to your base app
var server = http.createServer(base);       // Create the server;
sup.socket(server);                         // Socket IO needs an http server

Attach your own instance (examples/socket.js)

Use this if you are already using in your application.

var http = require('http');
var socketio = require('');

var server = http.createServer(;  // Create the server;
var io = socketio.listen(server);           // needs an http server
io.set('log level', 3);                     // Custom settings
sup.attachSocket(io);                       // Attach

If you have suggestions, bugs or need help don't be shy and open an issue.