arsub 0.3.3
A subclass of Array adding a few useful methods.
let A = require ("arsub");
let ok = A.ok;
// ok (a,b) means a and b must be equal,
// else an error is thrown. ok() works
// also with Arrays and Objects, recursively
let a = A(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
ok (a.size(), 5 );
// more examples below
let a = A(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
ok (a.first () , 5 );
ok (a.first (1) , [5]);
ok (a.first (2) , [4, 5]);
ok (a.first (-1), [2,3,4,5]);
ok (a.first (-2), [3,4,5]);
ok (a.last () , 5 );
ok (a.last (1) , [5]);
ok (a.last (2) , [4. 5]);
ok (a.last (-1), [2,3,4,5]);
ok (a.last (-2), [3,4,5]);
// plus more, read the static method test():
npm install arsub
A) With Node.js
const A = require ("arsub");
// You can use it like Array so call it 'A'.
B) With browser
<script type="module">
import A from './arsub_es6.js';
let a = A (1,2,3);
A.ok (a, [1,2,3]);
Open the file ./test_browser.html in your browser to test-run the above.
Use the above as example for how to import the ES6-module arsub_es6.js to your own browser-side html- or js-files.
Seems to work on latest versions of Edge, FireFox and Chrome.
3. API
3.1 Array-subclass Arsub
const A = require ("arsub");
let ok = A.ok;
let a = A (1,2,3); // Immutable
ok (a. size ); // The length
ok (a. first ); // First elements
ok (a. last ); // Last elements
ok (a. addFirst); // Add new elements to the beginning
ok (a. addLast ); // Add new elements to the end
ok (a. copy ); // (shallow) copy with overriding or new elements
ok (a. get ); // Get element from sparse array
ok (a. put ); // Put element to sparse array
ok (a. eq ); // Test array equality recursively
ok (a. monad ); // The monad bind-function.
ok (a. m ); // Same as monad
ok (a. _ ); // Monad-terminal
ok (a. of ); // Create new instance with given elements
// Above just lists all API-methods showing
// by calling ok() that the above methods
// do exist. Arsub is a subclass of Array so
// in imnherits all Array-methods as well.
// Read the source of the static method
// test() to see how they can be used.
3.2 Extra ok()
let ok = A.ok;
// The utility function ok() is
// used in the tests, piggy-backing
// with arsub.js since it is so useful.
// See the source-code it is not long
ok ([1,2], [1,2])
4. Tests
Tests are coded in and executed by the static test() -method of the class 'Arsub' defined in arsub.js.
When the class is defined those tests are run. That happens only once, when you load the module, not at runtime. Unless you explicitly call Arsub.test() again.
See the source Luke.
5. What does 'arsub' mean?
It means Array-subclass.
6. License
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0