art-build-configurator (abc)
Tools for configuring npm (package.json) and webpack (webpack.config.js)
Initializing a new Art Suite App
NOTE: Your directory-name is used to initialize various files including package.json, so pick a good name.
# replace "my-app-name" with your appo's name
mkdir my-app-name
cd my-app-name
# create package.json forces npm to install in your directory
echo "{}" > package.json
# install & configure abc
npm install art-build-configurator
npx art-build-configurator --init app --git
# install newly configured dependencies
npm install
# start your app
npm start
Then go to: http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/
Create Git Repository (highly recommended):
After you have your app initialized, create a git repository so you have a working state to roll back to as you work:
git init
git add * ".[a-zA-Z]*"
git commit -a -m 'initial checkin'
Configuring The original motivation for ABC is the problem that package.json
is not code. There is no way to dynamically configure it with plain npm + node. ABC solves that. ABC's config file{caf/coffee/js}
is evaluated before it is applied. You can execute arbitrary code to generate and return the config object.
The output package.json file is generated as follows:
- Extract the current version from the current package.json. This is the only thing that is persisted. Everything else is replaced.
defaultPackage = ABC's default package.json
- One of two things can happen depending upon the type of
package = ArtBuildConfig.npm || ArtBuildConfig.package
(two aliases):- package is an object: merged it:
deepMerge defaultPackage, package
- package is a function: invoke it:
- package is an object: merged it:
- Set version to the version read in step 1
- Write the resulting package.json
WIP: ABC v2 >> AGC?
- A.C.G.: @art-suite/config-generator
- configurator: CONFIGURation generATOR
import &ArtStandardLib
json: (rawJsonString, generator) ->
consistentJsonStringify deepMerge current, generator current = JSON.parse rawJsonString
# Gets applied when you run the "abc --configure" command
An array or object
Elements are functions or objects
<Functions> are invoked and passed the selected folder, fully qualified.
each value, key in object
switch value
when value is String
key is the filename
value is the contents to write
when value is Function
key is the filename
function is invoked and passed in the current contents of the file, if any. The return value is written fo the file.
If there is a matching loader for the filename's extension, It is used.
when value is Array
key is a folder
create the folder if it doesn't exist
recurse with the root algorythm in this sub-folder
package.json: ->
description: "The best package ever!"
&ArtBuildConfigurator.loaders.json &ArtBuildConfigurator.Builder.webpack