
Simple, powerful iteration comprehensions for JavaScript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import artComprehensions from '';






All comprehensions support four standard input patterns:

f() => undefined
f(source) => into
f(source, with) => into
f(source, into, with) => into

f(source, options) => into
f(source, into, options) => into


  • f: is each/array/object/find/reduce

  • source: can be one of:

    • array-like: iterated over using for (i = 0; i < source.length; i++)
    • object: iterated over using for (k in source)
    • null/undefined: treated as an empty container (eqivelent to passing in [] or {})
  • options:

    • when: (value, key) -> booleanish
    • with: (see with)
    • map: (value, key) -> new value
    • into/returning/inject: any (these are alias of each other)
  • with:

    • (value, key) -> new value
    • Generally, this function generates the 'value' used for each part of the iteration. When constructing a new collection, this is the value for each entry. ('find' and 'reduce' use this differently)


Iterate over the source container. By default, just returns the source container.

each(source) => source
each(source, with) => source
each(source, into, with) => into

each(source, options) => options.into ? source
each(source, into, options) => into

each differs from the common-api:

  1. into defaults to source
  2. each doesn't modify source


Create a new object derived fromthe source container. The default behavior differs slightly between array-sources and object-sources:

  • from-array:
object(source) => new {} derived from source
object(source, with) => new {} derived from source
object(source, options) => options.into ? new {} derived from source

object(source, into, with) => into
object(source, into, options) => into

object differences from the common-api:

  • options:
    • key: (value, key, into, whenBlockResult) -> value
    • withKey: (alias: key)
    • default key is v if source is array-like, k if object
  • into defaults to a new object ({})
  • each iteration, into is updated as folows: into[options.key()] = with()


Create a new array from the values and keys of the source container.

array(source) => new [] containing all values from source
array(source, with) => new [] of 'with' applied to each value in source
array(source, into, with) => into

array(source, options) => options.into ? new [] derived from source
array(source, into, options) => into

array differs from the common-api:

  • into defaults to a new array []
  • each iteration, into is updated as folows: into.push(with())


Find an element in the source container.

find(source) => first trueish value from source
find(source, with) => first trueish value returned from 'with'
find(source, options) => a value from 'options.with' or directly from source

find differs from common api:

  • returns:

    • the last value returned by with
    • or returns undefined if with was never executed
  • stops

    • if have when: !!when() == true
    • if no when: !!with() == true

reduce and inject

These comprehensions are very similar. Inject always injects an initial last value (from inject/into/returning value if passed in, undefined otherwise). Reduce never injects a value.

  • last gets initialized to

    • for inject: inject/into/returning
    • for reduce: the first value in source
  • with has a different argument order:

    • (last, value, key) ->

    • This allows you to drop-in functions that take two args and reduce them to one like:

      • add = (a, b) => a + b
    • The default with still returns v (which is now the second argument).

    • Note, for reduce, with gets called N-1 times, for inject, with gets called N times.

  • each iteration, last is updated as follows: last = with(last, value, key)

  • map is super handy; it gets called AFTER when but before with

// sum records containing amount
reduce(source, 0, {map: ({amount}) -> amount, with: add})