
JavaScript diagramming library that enables domain-specific visual languages

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import artistjs from '';



ArtistJS is a versatile JavaScript diagramming library that provides the core elements for implementing your own domain-specific visual languages, using figures with customizable templates and layouts.

  • Client-side technology: It runs completely in the browser (no server-side requirements), rendering in compliance with web standards (HTML, CSS and SVG).
  • Object-oriented JS: It encourages faster and more efficient code reuse and maintenance.
  • No third-party libraries: It requires no plugins and can be integrated in virtually any project.

Main elements

  • Graph: It consists of a set of nodes, together with a set of connections. A Graph is graphically represented by a Diagram.
  • Node: It is a vertex of the Graph that contains its incoming and outgoing connections. A Node is graphically represented by a Figure.
  • Connection: It is a directed arc between two nodes (source and target). A Connection is graphically represented by a ConnectionFigure.
  • Diagram: It renders the root element that contains the representation of the Graph elements.
  • Figure: It represents a Node element using basic figures (RectangleFigure, EllipseFigure, TextFigure, LineFigure...). A Figure can be composed of other figures (complex figure). The area where a Figure is rendered is called bounds (x, y, width, height).
  • ConnectionFigure: It represents a Connection element as a line from the source to the target Figure.
  • Decoration: Figure that is situated at the beginning, middle or end of a ConnectionFigure.
  • Layout: It manages the position and the ideal size of each Figure of the Diagram and each Figure that makes up a complex figure.
  • Anchor: It determines the connection point of a Figure.
  • Router: It calculates the path to draw a ConnectionFigure from the source to the target.

Getting started


You can install the latest version of ArtistJS using npm:

npm install artistjs --save

TypeScript external module definition files are included. They will be automatically picked up by the TypeScript compiler when importing from the npm package.

Or you can directly download the browser version: artist.js and artist.min.js (minified version).

How to use

In this minimal example, we are going to show the basic usage of Node, Connection, Figure and ConnectionFigure to build the next simple, custom diagram:

Hello World!

This diagram is composed of two Figure (and, subsequently, two Node) and one ConnectionFigure (and, subsequently, one Connection). Additionally, each Figure is a complex figure formed by two Figure.

Firstly, we are going to create the Hello figure and the corresponding Hello node. Therefore, we extend the Figure class to build our complex figure called MyHelloFigure. This figure is formed by two Figure: a RectangleFigure to draw the outline and a TextFigure to draw the text "Hello". Note that the update method has to be overloaded to update the bounds of the figures.

import {Figure, RectangleFigure, TextFigure, Area} from 'artistjs';

export default class MyHelloFigure extends Figure {
    constructor() {
        this.addChild(new RectangleFigure());
        this.addChild(new TextFigure('Hello'));
        (<TextFigure>this.children[1]).alignment = 'center';

    update(domNode: any): void {
        this.children[0].bounds = new Area(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y, this.bounds.width, this.bounds.height);
        this.children[1].bounds = new Area(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y, this.bounds.width, this.bounds.height * 0.6); // text occupies the 60% the figure height

Then, we extend Node class to create our custom Hello node called MyHelloNode. This node is configured to be represented by MyHelloFigure.

import {Node, Dimension} from 'artistjs';
import MyHelloFigure from './MyHelloFigure';

export default class MyHelloNode extends Node {
    constructor() {
        this.figure = new MyHelloFigure();
        this.figure.size = new Dimension(50, 50); // default size

Similarly, we create MyWorldFigure extending Figure class. This custom Figure is formed by a CircleFigure to draw the outline and a TextFigure to draw the text "World!".

import {Figure, CircleFigure, TextFigure, Area} from 'artistjs';

export default class MyWorldFigure extends Figure {
    constructor() {
        this.addChild(new CircleFigure());
        this.addChild(new TextFigure('World!'));
        (<TextFigure>this.children[1]).alignment = 'center';

    update(domNode: any): void {
        this.children[0].bounds = new Area(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y, this.bounds.width, this.bounds.height);
        this.children[1].bounds = new Area(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y, this.bounds.width, this.bounds.height * 0.6);  // text occupies the 60% the figure height

Once the MyWorldFigure is created, we implement MyWorldNode extending Node class, which will be rendered using MyWorldFigure.

import {Node, Dimension} from 'artistjs';
import MyWorldFigure from './MyWorldFigure';

export default class MyWorldNode extends Node {
    constructor() {
        this.figure = new MyWorldFigure();
        this.figure.size = new Dimension(50, 50); // default size

Next, we extend Connection class to build our custom connection called MyConnection. This connection is configured to be rendered by a ConnectionFigure with a DiamondDecoration in the source and an ArrowDecoration in the target.

import {Connection, Node, DiamondDecoration, ArrowDecoration, Dimension} from 'artistjs';

export default class MyConnection extends Connection {
    constructor(source: Node, target: Node) {
        super(source, target);
        this.connectionFigure.sourceDecoration = new DiamondDecoration();
        this.connectionFigure.targetDecoration = new ArrowDecoration();

Now, we are able to model and render an instance of our custom diagram, using all previously implemented elements.

const example = new Artist.Graph(); // default graph
const hello = new HelloWorld.MyHelloNode();
const world = new HelloWorld.MyWorldNode();
const conn = new HelloWorld.MyConnection(hello, world);

example.nodes = [hello, world];
example.connections = [conn];

hello.figure.position = new Artist.Point(1.5, 1.5);
world.figure.position = new Artist.Point(100.5, 1.5);

The diagram is rendered according to the SVG web standard.

<svg xmlns:xlink="" width="500" height="500">
        <rect x="1.5" y="1.5" width="50" height="50" rx="0" ry="0"></rect>
        <text x="26.5" y="31.5" text-anchor="middle">Hello</text>
        <circle cx="125.5" cy="26.5" r="25"></circle>
        <text x="125.5" y="31.5" text-anchor="middle">World!</text>
        <path class="connection" d="M51.5,26.5 L100.5,26.5" marker-start="url(#6dec8930-5f89-4edd-878c-4430b395d9d3)" marker-end="url(#a43e8281-068b-4e61-a097-a3a8ff8018c7)" id="9f46d922-5e3b-4016-b0e4-20c9d179f351"></path>
            <marker id="6dec8930-5f89-4edd-878c-4430b395d9d3" markerWidth="10" markerHeight="10" refX="0" refY="5" orient="auto">
                <polygon points="5 0,10 5,5 10,0 5"></polygon>
            <marker id="a43e8281-068b-4e61-a097-a3a8ff8018c7" markerWidth="10" markerHeight="10" refX="10" refY="5" orient="auto">
                <path d="M0,0 L0,10 L10,5 L0,0"></path>


Take a look at the demos folder to learn more about how to implement fully custom ArtistJS diagrams.

Open the index.html file in your browser to see the demo in action.





Git History





  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :smiley:


This project is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause license.