
A standardized way to express asynchronous state in a synchronous manner.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import asyncStatus from '';


Async Status

A standardized way to express asynchronous state in a synchronous manner ⏱

npm version build status coverage status semantic-release code style: prettier commitizen friendly tested with jest npm license

Table of Contents πŸ“‹

Installation πŸ“¦

# with npm
npm install --save async-status

# with yarn
yarn add async-status

This assumes that you’re using a module bundler like Webpack to consume ES6 or CommonJS modules.

Concept πŸ’‘

The goal of this package is to provide a unified and standardized representation of asynchronous status. It helps to integrate other libraries that translate asynchronous state to synchronous state (for example Redux). Instead of using different flags like isLoading, isPending, hasError, this library represents asynchronous status as a one-variable - status.

There are 4 possible statuses:

  • AsyncStatus.IDLE ⚫️ - means that nothing happens - it's the initial status
  • AsyncStatus.PENDING ⏳ - means that async action is pending
  • AsyncStatus.RESOLVED βœ… - means that async action has been successfully finished
  • AsyncStatus.REJECTED ❌ - means that an error occurred during async action

There are no constraints about transitions between given statuses.

To give a better understanding of the relationship between AsyncStatus and asynchronous code let's try with real code:

import AsyncStatus from "async-status";

const state = {
  status: AsyncStatus.IDLE

function fetchUsers() {
  state.status = AsyncStatus.PENDING;

    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => { = data;
      state.status = AsyncStatus.RESOLVED;
    .catch(error => {
      state.error = error;
      state.status = AsyncStatus.REJECTED;


As you can see, you don't have to introduce any boolean flags like isPending πŸ‘Œ

API reference πŸ“–

The status is a primitive value - string or undefined.

AsyncStatus.IDLE = undefined;
AsyncStatus.PENDING = "PENDING";

AsyncStatus.all(...statuses: AsyncStatus[]): AsyncStatus

Combines many statuses into one status using an algorithm similar to Promise.all method. Basically the algorithm is:

  1. if statuses list is empty, result = IDLE
  2. if one of the statuses is equal REJECTED, result = REJECTED
  3. if one of statuses is equal PENDING, result = PENDING
  4. if all statuses equal RESOLVED, result = RESOLVED
  5. in other cases, result = IDLE

isAsyncStatus(candidate: any): candidate is AsyncStatus

Checks if a given candidate is an AsyncStatus (means that it's equal undefined or 'PENDING' or 'RESOLVED' or 'REJECTED')

Typings πŸ“

If you are using TypeScript, typings are provided in the npm package. This library doesn't provide Flow typings.
