
async wrapper for web (local|session) storage

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import asyncWebStorage from '';


Async wrapper for web storage

npm install async-web-storage


import { asyncLocalStorage, asyncSessionStorage } from 'async-web-storage';

async function saveLocally() {
  await asyncLocalStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar');
  const foo = await asyncLocalStorage.getItem('foo'); // bar

  const person = {
    name: 'mcha',
  await asyncLocalStorage.setItem('user_1', person);
  const user = await asyncLocalStorage.getItem('user_1'); // {name: "mcha"}

All values are stored as JSON.stringifyed objects {[key]: value, createAt:}

For example, the above values would exisit in local storage like this: |Key |Value |--------|------------------------------- |foo |"{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"createdAt\":1600516661351}" |user_1 |"{\"name\":\"mcha\",\"createdAt\":1600516591899}" | |

To have access to the raw stored objects pass an option object {raw: true} as a 2nd argument .getItem

const rawStoredUser1 = await asyncLocalStorage.getItem('user_1', {raw: true});

console.log(rawStoredUser1); // {name: "mcha", createdAt: 1600516591899}