
Decode specified ranges of PCM Wave and Opus webm files on disk to AudioBuffers. Probably only works with electron.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import audioBufferRangeDecoder from '';



Decode specified ranges of PCM Wave or Opus webm files on disk to AudioBuffers. Probably only works if you are using electron.

Useful for streaming large audio files from disk when you don't want to load the whole thing into memory.


Supported formats

Includes static builds of ffmpeg for reading the Opus formatted files. Supported platforms: darwin, linux, win32


var RangeDecoder = require('audio-buffer-range-decoder')

var decodeRange = RangeDecoder(filePath, options, onLoad)

Specify filePath on disk. Opens the file ready for access.

onLoad(err, meta) is called when meta data has loaded.

Returns a decodeRange function.


  • fs: pass in fs implementation (required)
  • audio: instance of AudioContext to use for decoding (required)

decodeRange(startTime, duration, callback)

Pass in startTime and duration in seconds. callback(err, audioBuffer) will be called when data has been decoded or an error has occurred.


Call this when you are done reading to close the underlying file descriptor.