
The NodeJS framework for developing sophisticated web-based solutions.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import avacore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/avacore';


Avalanche is here! The NodeJS MVC framework for creating APIs, Web platforms, App services, fullstack solutions, and many more! No more structuring your Node projects over and over again.

Getting started

A step by step guide how to get a development environment up and running.

Alternatively, you can watch the YouTube tutorial.

Development progress of this project can be tracked in our Trello Board.


Install NodeJS from their website


1. Install Avalanche globally. This allows the CLI to work with a global perspective. It also prevents issues while updating Avalanche in the future.

(NOTE: You might need to use sudo)

$ npm install avacore -g

2. Initialize Avalanche. This sets up your Avalanche project.

$ avalanche init

3. Run your local webserver.

$ avalanche run

Done! For more info, browse the Avalanche wiki on GitHub.


Port in use

The default port is 80. Often times that port is in use and that causes problems. To resolve this issue you can do two things; you can shutdown the application that is currently using that port on your machines and then retry. Alternatively, you can change the port in the environment file. This file can be found in "app/environments/". By default this file is called "development.environment.json".


The Avalanche framework is an open-source project by Software Essentials