
JavaScript utility to enqueue async tasks for Node.js and the browser.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import awaitqueue from '';



JavaScript utility to enqueue async tasks for Node.js and the browser.


$ npm install awaitqueue


  • CommonJS usage:
const { AwaitQueue, AwaitQueueTask, AwaitQueueDumpItem } = require('awaitqueue');
  • ES6 usage:
import { AwaitQueue, AwaitQueueTask, AwaitQueueDumpItem } from 'awaitqueue';


type AwaitQueueDumpItem

type AwaitQueueDumpItem =
  task: AwaitQueueTask<unknown>;
  name?: string;
  enqueuedTime: number;
  executingTime: number;

TypeScript type representing an item in the array returned by the awaitQueue.dump() method.

  • task: The function to be executed.
  • name: The name of the given function (if any) or the name argument given to awaitQueue.push() method (if any).
  • enqueuedTime: Time in milliseconds since the task was enqueued, this is, since awaitQueue.push() was called until its execution started or until now if not yet started.
  • executingTime: Time in milliseconds since the task execution started (or 0 if not yet started).

type AwaitQueueTask

type AwaitQueueTask<T> = () => (Promise<T> | T)

TypeScript type representing a function that returns a value T or a Promise that resolves with T.

new AwaitQueue({ ClosedErrorClass? = Error, StoppedErrorClass? = Error })

Creates an AwaitQueue instance.

  • @param {Error} ClosedErrorClass: Custom Error derived class that will be used to reject pending tasks after close() method has been called. If not set, Error class is used.
  • @param {Error} StoppedErrorClass: Custom Error derived class that will be used to reject pending tasks after stop() method has been called. If not set, Error class is used.

async awaitQueue.push(task: AwaitQueueTask, name?: string): Promise

Accepts a task as argument and enqueues it after pending tasks. Once processed, the push() method resolves (or rejects) with the result returned by the given task.

  • @param task: Function that must return a Promise or a directly a value.
  • @param name: Optional task name (useful for awaitQueue.dump() method).

awaitQueue.size: number

The number of ongoing enqueued tasks.

awaitQueue.close(): void

Closes the queue. Pending tasks will be rejected with the given ClosedErrorClass error. The AwaitQueue instance is no longer usable (this method is terminal).

awaitQueue.stop(): void

Make ongoing pending tasks reject with the given StoppedErrorClass error. The AwaitQueue instance is still usable for future tasks added via push() method.

awaitQueue.dump(): AwaitQueueDumpItem[]

Returns an array with information about pending tasks in the queue. See the AwaitQueueDumpItem type above.

Usage example

const { AwaitQueue } = require('awaitqueue');

function taskFactory(id)
  console.log('creating task %d', id);

  // Return a function that returns a Promise (a task).
  return function()
    return new Promise((resolve) =>
      console.log('running task %d', id);
      setTimeout(() => resolve(id), 2000);

async function run()
  const queue = new AwaitQueue();
  let result;

  console.log('1. calling queue.push()');
  result = await queue.push(taskFactory('1'));
  console.log('1. task result:', result);

  console.log('2. calling queue.push()');
  result = await queue.push(taskFactory('2'));
  console.log('2. task result:', result);

  console.log('3. calling queue.push()');
  await new Promise((resolve) =>
      .then(() =>
        console.warn('3. task should not succeed (it was stopped)');
      .catch((error) =>
        console.log('3. task failed as expected because it was stopped (%s)', error.toString());

    console.log('3. calling queue.stop()');

  console.log('calling queue.close()');

    console.log('4. calling queue.push()');
    await queue.push(taskFactory('4'));
  catch (error)
    console.error('4. task failed as expected because it was closed (%s)', error.toString());



1. calling queue.push()
creating task 1
running task 1
1. task result: 1

2. calling queue.push()
creating task 2
running task 2
2. task result: 2

3. calling queue.push()
creating task 3
running task 3
3. calling queue.stop()
3. task failed as expected because it was stopped (Error: AwaitQueue stopped)

calling queue.close()

4. calling queue.push()
creating task 4
4. task failed as expected because it was closed (Error: AwaitQueue closed)

