
A serverless app that receives and stores events to an S3 bucket.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import awsServerlessEventWriter from '';


AWS Serverless Event Writer

This serverless app accepts events and writes the contents to a designated S3 Bucket.

Installation Steps

  1. Create an AWS account if you do not already have one and login

  2. Go to the app's page on the Serverless Application Repository and click "Deploy"

  3. Provide the required app parameters


The app requires the following parameters:

  1. S3Bucket (required) - The name (not ARN) of the bucket where events should be written.

  2. EventKey (optional) - The specific key that the events should be written to. If this parameter is provided, each subsequent event will overwrite the previous one. If this key is not set, a dynamic key will be generated in the form of: event-<Unix EPOCH>.

  3. EventKeyPrefix (optional) - If the EventKey parameter is not set, this value will be added before the dynamically generated key value, allowing for the creation of folder structure.

  4. EventKeySuffix (optional) - If the EventKey parameter is not set, this value will be appended to the dynamically generated key value, allowing for the possible specification of a file extension. If a dynamic key is used and this parameter is not set, .json will be assumed.

  5. EventContentType (optional) - Provides a content type to be set on the resulting S3 object. If EventKey and EventKeySuffix are not set, application/json will be used.

  6. LoggingLevel (optional) - The level of logging desired (error,warn,info,verbose,debug or silly).