
babel preset latest for node 14 (Current), node 12 (Active LTS) node 10 (Maintenance LTS)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import babelPresetLatestNode from '';



babel preset latest for node 14 (Current), node 12 (Active LTS) node 10 (Maintenance LTS)

babel 7

Since v2, this package requires @babel/core@^7.0.0. If you use babel 6, you can still use the version "1.0.0" of this package. If you want to migrate, you can read the announcement and the official migration guide.



  • target: 10, 10.13, 12, 12.10, 14 or 'current' (process.versions.node)
  • loose: Enable “loose” transformations for any plugins in this preset that allow them (Disabled by default).
  • modules - Enable transformation of ES6 module syntax to another module type (Enabled by default to "commonjs"). Can be false to not transform modules, or "commonjs"
  • es2019 - Enable es2019 features (Enabled by default)
  • es2020 - Enable es2020 features (Enabled by default)
  • shippedProposals - Enable features in stages but already available in recent node version (Enabled by default)

Compatibility Table

Feature Node 10 Node 10.13 Node 12 Node 14 Node 14.8


transform-modules-commonjs flag flag flag with .mjs with .mjs


syntax-optional-catch-binding flag yes yes yes yes
json-strings yes yes yes yes yes


nullish-coalescing-operator no no no yes yes
optional-chaining no no no yes yes

Shipped Proposals

numeric-separator no no no yes yes
top-level-await no no no no yes

Note that top level await is syntax only and is only available for supported versions.


npm install --save-dev @babel/core babel-preset-latest-node
yarn add --dev @babel/core babel-preset-latest-node


Via .babelrc


  "presets": ["latest-node"]
  "presets": [["latest-node", { "target": "current" }]]


babel script.js --presets latest-node

Via Node API

require('babel-core').transform('code', {
  presets: [require('babel-preset-latest-node')],
require('babel-core').transform('code', {
  presets: [[require('babel-preset-latest-node'), { target: 'current' }]],