
Encode a string into a base-37 64-bit number

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import base37String from '';



Encode a string into a base-37 64-bit number


npm install base37-string --save


import { encode, decode } from "base37-string";

const encoded = encode("james"); // 0x00000000011F0598
const decoded = decode(encoded); // james



  1. Take a string x
  2. Convert x into an array of character codes c[]
  3. Initialise an accumulator acc as 0
  4. Iterate through c[] for individual character codes c:
    • If 65 <= c <= 90, let i equal (1 + c) - 65
    • If 97 <= c <= 122, let i equal (1 + c) - 97
    • If 48 <= c <= 57, let i equal (27 + c) - 48
  5. Multiply acc by 37 and add i
  6. While acc is not 0 and is evenly divisible by 37, divide by 37
  7. Return acc


  1. Take a long x which must not:
    • be <= 0
    • be >= 0x5b5b57f8a98a5dd1
    • be evenly divisible by 37
  2. Initialice an accumulator acc as x
  3. Initialise an array c[]
  4. While acc is not 0:
    1. Store the value of acc as n
    2. Divide acc by 37
    3. let i equal n - acc * 37
    4. get value at index i from array of valid characters and push to front of c[]
  5. Join c[] into string and return