
A simple base64 encoder/decoder that works with HTML5 and Node. Supports strict mode and URL safe encoding/decoding.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import base64it from '';


Base64It Build Status

A simple base64 encoder/decoder that works with modern browsers, legacy browsers, and Node. It supports strict mode, URL safe encoding/decoding, and optional line lengths.

Get the package

npm install base64it --save


base64it supports the following encoding standards:

  1. Standard 'base64' (i.e. strict) (see RFC 4648 § 4)
  2. Standard 'base64url' with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet (see RFC 4648 § 5)


To encode, just call base64.encode.

var base64 = require("base64it");

var encoded = base64.encode("Hello world")
console.log(encoded); // SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=

To convert it back, just call base64.decode.

var decoded = base64.decode(encoded)
console.log(decoded); // Hello world

Live Demo

You can also see Base64It in action, live, on the Interwebs! Check out this fiddle.


base64.encode(unencoded:string, options?:Options):string

Encodes a string into a base64 encoded string.

unencoded is the string you want to encode.
options is a set of encoding Options as follows (optional)

  • stripPadding:Boolean - determines whether the resulting string will have any padding characters (i.e. "=") removed (default = false)
  • lineLength:Number - if set, the resulting string will be broken into multiple lines seperated by \r\n. This is normally set to either 64 or 76. (default = one continuous line)
  • urlSafe:Boolean - if set, the resulting string will be URL Safe (i.e. "+" and "/" chars willbe converted to "-" and "_" respectively). (default = false)

This will decode a base64 encoded string. Padding characters are optional.

base64.strictEncode(unencoded:string, options?:Options):string

This is simply sugar around base64.encode with the urlSafe options seto to false.

base64.urlSafeEncode(unencoded:string, options?:Options):string

This is simply sugar around base64.encode with the urlSafe options seto to true.


This is the same as base64.decode.


This is the same as base64.decode.


For use under MIT license