
This package contains, a line-chart component and some data's examples to try it.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import basicLinechart from '';



This library was generated with Angular CLI version 12.0.3.

Example on :

Patch 0.9.3 notes

  • Bug fix on : zoom and scrollbar
  • Delete file of data example because it was too heavy


  • Run npm install to install.

  • Run npm install d3 and npm install @types/d3 to install pearDependencies.


This package contains, a linechart component and some data's examples to try it.

On the linechart component you can :

  • zoom with ctrl+wheel
  • move the horizontal scrollbar, scroll the time
  • move the vertical current time line

You can synchronize the time range and the current time line on several components.

How to use

  • In your app.module.ts, you must add BasicLinechartModule to imports of @NgModule.

  • In your app.compenent.html, you can add the component : <lib-basic-linechart></lib-basic-linechart>

Parameters of the component

No parameters are required.

  • Input [data]: Data[] default value : [], data displayed in the component (specified Data in the section below)
  • Input [width]: number default value : 900, width of the component
  • Input [height]: number default value : 200, height of the component
  • Input [domain]: [number,number] default value : [0,0], domain of value (only for continuous values)
  • Input [range]: [number,number] default value : [0,0], range of timestamp that we display in component
  • Input [currenTime]: number default value : 0, timestamp for the current time line
  • Input [speedZoom]: number ]0;1] default value : 0.2
  • Output (rangeChange): [number,number] to bind with a function in your app, to synchronize components ranges
  • Output (currenTimeChange): number to bind with a function in your app, to synchronize components currentTime

/!\ Don't mix dataset with different value's type (continuous, positive integer) in one component.

/!\ Don't mix dataset with different range of timestamp in one component.

/!\ Don't bind range on components that have dataset with diferrent ranges of timestamp

Interface Data

Represents one dataset. You can add an array of dataset in the component.

interface Data {
  label: string;
  values: [number,number][]; //[timestamp,value]
  color: string;
  style: "line" | "area" | "both";
  interpolation: "linear" | "step";


Contains function parseBool that you can use in generateData for boolean value.

Contains function generateData, which you can use to parse Data from a dataset str :

public generateData(str:string, label:string, color:string, style: "both"|"line"|"area",interpolation: "step"|"linear", f: (s:string)=>number):Data

/!\ str format example : "2016-07-25 15:47:24,459";"PC6";"OFF" "2016-07-25 19:47:24,459";"PC6";"ON"

/!\ Fill parameter f with parseBool or parseFloat

Examples :

generateData("PC6","#124568","both", "step",parseBool)
generateData("Temperature_Salon", "purple", "line", "linear", parseFloat)

Contains dataExamples :Data[]. You can import them to test the component (show in the example below).



Write in the main class :

  public data1:Data[]=[];
  public data2:Data[]=[];
  public data3:Data[]=[];
  public data4:Data[]=[];
  public data5:Data[]=[];
  public data6:Data[]=[];
  public datatest:Data[]=[];
  public range: [number, number] = [0,0];
  public currentTime : number =0;
  public range2: [number, number] = [0,0];
  public currentTime2 : number =0;

  constructor(data : DataService){
  public updateRange(rangeChange: [number,number]){

  public updateCurrentTime(currentTimeChange: number ){

  public updateRange2(rangeChange: [number,number]){

  public updateCurrentTime2(currentTimeChange: number ){
  public change(i: number){
    if(i==1) this.datatest = this.data4;
    if(i==2) this.datatest = this.data5;
    if(i==3) this.datatest = this.data6;


Write :

<lib-basic-linechart [data]=data2 [range]=range (rangeChange)="updateRange($event)" [currentTime]=currentTime (currentTimeChange)="updateCurrentTime($event)"></lib-basic-linechart>
<lib-basic-linechart [data]=data1 [domain]=[0,30] [range]=range (rangeChange)="updateRange($event)" [currentTime]=currentTime (currentTimeChange)="updateCurrentTime($event)"></lib-basic-linechart>
<lib-basic-linechart [width] = "1200" [height]="200" [data]=data3 [range]=range (rangeChange)="updateRange($event)" [currentTime]=currentTime (currentTimeChange)="updateCurrentTime($event)"></lib-basic-linechart>
<lib-basic-linechart [speedZoom]=0.7 [data]=data4 [range]=range2 (rangeChange)="updateRange2($event)" [currentTime]=currentTime2 (currentTimeChange)="updateCurrentTime2($event)"></lib-basic-linechart>
<lib-basic-linechart [speedZoom]=0.7 [data]=datatest [domain]=[26,27] [range]=range2 (rangeChange)="updateRange2($event)" [currentTime]=currentTime2 (currentTimeChange)="updateCurrentTime2($event)"></lib-basic-linechart>
<button (click)='change(1)'>Data 4</button>
<button (click)='change(2)'>Data 5</button>
<button (click)='change(3)'>Data 6</button>