
Battlenet authentication for teamspeak servers

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import battlenetTs from '';



BattlenetTS allowes you to use OAuth2 to authenticate users against your TeamsSpeak3 server. The battlenet api is invoked to check if te authenticated user is a member of a guild on a specified realm. This allows you to make sure that your guild's teamspeak server is used by the people that are in your guild.


  • Connect to a teamspeak's server query
  • Authenticates users against the api
  • Manipulate users in teamspeak based on the result of the authentication
  • Send teamspeak private text messages
  • Add or remove users from teamspeak groups based on group name
  • Get guild member information to get the rank id
  • Listen for incoming chat messages that are sent to the bot
  • Get a list of characters the account has in the guild


var BattleTS = require('battlenet-ts');

var bts = new BattleTS({
    url: 'https://localhost:3000',

    battlenet_region: 'us',
    battlenet_key:    '',
    battlenet_secret: '',

    ssl_ca:   './server.csr',
    ssl_cert: './server.crt',
    ssl_key:  './server.key',

    teamspeak_ip:        '',
    teamspeak_queryport: '10011',

    teamspeak_username: 'serveradmin',
    teamspeak_password: '',
    teamspeak_botname:  'SuperAdmin',
    realm_name: '',
    guild_name: '',


Since BattleTS is an eventemitter you can listen for the following events

  • teamspeak.connected - The server query client is successfully connected to the teamspeak server
  • express.started - The expressjs webserver has started and is listening for connections
  • teamspeak.client.connected (client) - A client is connected to our teamspeak server
  • (clid, message) - A client has sent a chat message to the bot
  • battlenet.user.authenticated (profile) - A client is successfully authenticated against the api
  • battlenet.user.verified (character) - A client is successfully verified as being part of the guild/realm
  • battlenet.user.notverified (error) - A client is not verified as being part of the guild/realm Development

You need an account on with an application to get the battlenet_key and battlenet_secret information


var BattleTS = require('./battlenet-ts');

var bts = new BattleTS({
    url: 'https://localhost:3000',

    battlenet_region: 'us',
    battlenet_key:    '',
    battlenet_secret: '',

    ssl_ca:   './server.csr',
    ssl_cert: './server.crt',
    ssl_key:  './server.key',

    teamspeak_ip:        '',
    teamspeak_queryport: '10011',

    teamspeak_username: 'serveradmin',
    teamspeak_password: '',
    teamspeak_botname:  'SuperAdmin',
    realm_name: '',
    guild_name: '',

bts.on('teamspeak.connected', function(tsClient) {

    // The serverquery login is successful, commands can now be sent and received.

    console.log('Teamspeak Connected');

    bts.getGroup("grunt", function(err, group) {
        // group is undefined if the group does not exist


bts.on('express.started', function(port, protocol){
    // The webserver (expressjs) is started and reachable on the specified url

    console.log("Express running on port " + port);

bts.on('teamspeak.client.connected', function(client) {
    // thing to note, the clid changes on every connection
    // the cluid is the unique id of the identity of the client

    var clid  = client.clid;
    var cluid = client.client_unique_identifier;

    // check if cluid is used before, and check if it has a profile stored, if so, use bts.verifyUser(profile)
    // to make sure this user is still a member of the guild, if not, remove them form the database, strip privilages
    // and ask to reauthentiate

    getClientProfile(cluid, function(profile) {
        // Profile has to contain the following properties:
        // profile.clid
        // profile.cluid
        if (profile) {
            bts.verifyUser(profile, storedCharacterName); // second parameter is optional to automatically determine the character name
        } else {
            // no profile found, send auth url
            bts.send(client, 'Hello there, Please click [url=' + bts.getAuthUrl(clid, cluid) + ']here[/url] to authenticate');
        // ^ this will fire the battlenet.user.(not)verified events

    // first parameter of send can either be a clid, client or profile instance
    bts.send(client, 'Hello there, Please click [url=' + bts.getAuthUrl(clid, cluid) + ']here[/url] to authenticate');

bts.on('', function(clid, message) {

    // If the message start with a !, it's a command
    if (message.indexOf('!') === 0) {
        // remove the ! from the message
        var command = message.substr(1);
        // Is the command 'auth' ?
        if (command === 'auth') {

            // get the cluid based off the clid
            var cluid = bts.getCluid(clid);
            // Wait 500 miliseconds before sending the auth url.
            setTimeout(function() {
                bts.send(clid, 'Please click [url=' + bts.getAuthUrl(clid, cluid) + ']here[/url] to authenticate');
            }, 500);

bts.on('battlenet.user.authenticated', function(profile) {

    // at this point it's a good idea to store profile somewhere, since its required for bts.verifyUser(profile)
    // the verification will happen automatically after authentication, but not on client join.
    // since framework does not keep a database (that is your job)


bts.on('battlenet.user.verified', function(character) {
    // The user is a member of our guild :)
    // Time to give them some privilages (change group or something, add icon that represents their race/class)
    // or whatever fancy you can come up with

    // Get the character data from the guild, includes guild rank id (0,...)
    // With the char.rank variable you could assign people that have different guild ranks
    // in to different teamspeak groups
    bts.getGuildMember(character, function(err, char) {

    // Set the group for this dbid to something that has access to more stuff
    // Note that the group name is case insensitive
    bts.setGroup(character.profile.cluid, "grunt");

    // You could even create a database with 'admins' that contains battlenet id's to add those people to
    // the correct admin group.
    bts.send(character.profile.clid, + ", you are successfully verified and promoted to Grunt");

bts.on('battlenet.user.notverified', function(error) {
    // strip privilages if any

    bts.unsetGroup(error.profile.cluid, "grunt");
    bts.send(error.profile, error.profile.battletag + ' does not have any characters in ' + bts.getGuildName() + ' on ' + bts.getRealmName());

This does the same as the above listener
bts.on('battlenet', function(subject, action, profile) {
    console.log(subject); // == 'user'
    console.log(action);  // == 'authenticated'


Note from author

I had to create a ssl certificate to be able to use the api

openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
cp server.key
openssl rsa -in -out server.key
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt