
Processes React element className properties to BEM style CSS classes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bemact from '';



Version Build Status

A DRY utility for React that extends React classNames to BEM style with minimal boilerplate code. Inspired partially by "Atomic OOBEMITSCSS".

Bemact does not modify React component classes, only "pure" HTML elements.


var React = require('React')
var bem = require('bemact').bem

var MyComponent = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return bem(
            <div className="parent --customized">
                <h1 className="child-header">Main Header</h1>
                <p className="article --pretty">
                    I'm a pretty article <a className="link" href="">with a link</a>!
                    <p className="untouched">I'm untouched because footer has no className.</p>

Output in HTML:

<div class="parent parent--customized">
    <h1 class="parent__child-header">Main Header</h1>
    <p class="parent__article parent__article--pretty">
        I'm a pretty article <a class="article__link" href="">with a link</a>!
        <p class="untouched">I'm untouched because footer has no className.</p>


npm install --save bemact


var BemSetup = require('bemact').BemSetup,
    bem = new BemSetup({ elementPrefix: 'FOO', modifierPrefix: 'bar' })

So what would be block__element--modifier in original BEM syntax now becomes blockFOOelementbarmodifier. It is recommended you do not use FOO as element prefix and bar as modifier prefix. Use something sane.

Bemact also exposes the new changed Yandex syntax:

var bem2015 = require('bemact').bem2015

The new element prefix is the same as before, but modifier prefix is a single lodash instead: _

Using with JedWatson/classnames

classNames is one of the most popular utilities for working with CSS classes in React. Using BEM style with it can lead into quite a lot of repetition:

var className = 'main-article'
var headerClassName = classNames(
        'main-article__header--is-popular': this.props.popular
    'main-article__header--' + (this.props.disabled ? 'disabled' : 'enabled')

return (
    <article className={className}>
        <header className={headerClassName}>

Adding Bemact for post-processing eases the burden:

var className = 'main-article'
var headerClassName = classNames(
        '--is-popular': this.props.popular
    this.props.disabled ? '--disabled' : '--enabled'

return bem(
    <article className={className}>
        <header className={headerClassName}>

No need to repeat yourself.


git clone
cd bemact
npm install
npm test