
Plots a performance chart for Benchmark.js results saved by astrobench-cli.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import benchart from '';



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Plots a performance chart for Benchmark.js results saved by astrobench-cli.

timeline example comparison example


Chart generation requires gnuplot installed. It is freely available on any platform.

On Linux, install from the distribution package. For example, on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install gnuplot

Using Homebrew on OSX:

brew install gnuplot

Using Chocolatey on Windows:

choco install gnuplot

Getting Started

Make sure that you have Node.js >= 10 installed. Install benchart globally:

npm i -g benchart

Plot a performance chart for all results in a directory:

$ benchart results

Testing Scenario

Testing page:

<link rel="stylesheet"
<script src=""></script>

<div id="astrobench"></div>

  suite('A suite', suite => {
    const text = 'Hello world'
    bench('Validate greeting by regular expression', () => text.match(/^H/))
    bench('Validate greeting by comparison', () => text[0] === 'H')

Tool installation:

npm i -g astrobench-cli benchart

Chart generation:

$ astrobench -j output/results.json example/index.html
$ benchart output

Command-Line Usage

The benchart script plots a chart for statistics produced by Benchmark.js and written out to JSON files by astrobench-cli.

$ benchart --help

Usage: benchart [options] <directory>|<file> ...

  -V, --version               output the version number
  -d, --out-directory <path>  path to the output directory
  -n, --out-name <name>       file name of the written chart (default: "chart")
  -p, --type <type>           type of the chart (default: "timeline")
  -t, --title <title>         chart title (default: "Benchmark Results")
  -w, --width <number>        width of the charter in pixels
  -g, --height <number>       height of the charter in pixels
  -i, --y-min <number>        minimum value on the y axis
  -a, --y-max <number>        maximum value on the y axis
  -y, --y-property <name>     property shown on the y axis (default: "hz")
  -r, --error-bars            show standard error of the mean
  -b, --x-label <label>       label of the x axis
  -e, --y-label <label>       label of the y axis
  -c, --cluster-by <input>    cluster histogram bars
  -l, --legend-place <place>  legend placement (default: "outside")
  -v, --verbose               print progress of the plotting
  -h, --help                  output usage information

 Reads all "*.json" files from the specified directory, unless a list of
 files is specified. The chart will be written to the input directory,
 unless an output directory is specified. Chart types are "timeline" or
 "comparison". Histograms can be clustered by "benchmark" or "suite".
 Legend places are "left", "right", "outside" and "under". Property shown
 on the y axis can be "hz" or "mean".


 $ benchart results
 $ benchart -rv -t "Sizes" -d results -n comparison \
     -p comparison results/50.json results/100.json

Programmatic Usage

Make sure that you have Node.js >= 10 installed. Install benchart locally in your project with npm or yarn:

npm i benchart
yarn add benchart

Plot a chart for all JSON files in the results directory and store it with the name chart in the same directory:

const plot = require('benchart')
await plot({ directory: 'results' })

plot(options: object): Promise<>

The main module exports a function which generates the chart to the output directory and returns a Promise resolved when the chart has been written.

Recognised options:

  • directory: string - directory to look for the input JSON files
  • out-directory: string - path to the output directory
  • out-name: string - file name of the written chart (default: "chart")
  • type: string - type of the chart (default: "timeline", otherwise: "comparison")
  • title: string - chart title (default: "Benchmark Results")
  • width: number - width of the charter in pixels
  • height: number - height of the charter in pixels
  • y-min: number - minimum value on the y axis
  • y-max: number - maximum value on the y axis
  • y-property: string - property shown on the y axis (default: "hz", otherwise: "mean")
  • error-bars: boolean - show standard error of the mean (default: false)
  • x-label: string - label of the x axis
  • y-label: string - label of the y axis
  • cluster-by: string - cluster histogram bars by "benchmark" or "suite"
  • legend-place: string - legend placement (default: "outside", otherwise: "left", "right", and "under")
  • verbose: boolean - print progress of the plotting
  • verbose: boolean - print progress of the chart generation (default: false)


An example of a JSON file with test results. Benchmark properties aborted, error, hz, stats and times are described in the Benchmark.js documentation:

    "name": "A suite",
    "benchmarks": [
        "name": "String#match",
        "aborted": false,
        "hz": 21672040.42791444,
        "stats": {
          "rme": 1.394724557215958,
          "mean": 4.2691777736331135e-8
        "name": "RegExp#test",
        "name": "Benchmark with error",
        "error": {
          "message": "text is not defined",
          "name": "ReferenceError",
          "stack": "@test/example/bench.js:19:6
        "aborted": true


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using npm.


Copyright (c) 2020 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.