
The core package to create a schema object to encode/decode your JSON in to a compact byte buffer with no overhead.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import binpackr from '';



The fastest JavaScript object serialization library. Efficiently encode your objects in to compact byte buffers and then decode them back in to objects on the receiver. Integrates very well with WebSockets.

Binpack is initial forked from schemapack

// On both the client and server:
import bp, {BTDDataType} from 'binpackr';

const schema = {
  health: "varuint",
  jumping: "boolean",
  position: [ "int16" ],
  attributes: { str: 'uint8', agi: 'uint8', int: 'uint8' }
} as const;

// On the client:
const player: BTDDataType<typeof schema> =  {
  health: 4000,
  jumping: false,
  position: [ -540, 343, 1201 ],
  attributes: { str: 87, agi: 42, int: 22 }

const codec =;

const buffer = codec.encode(player);
socket.emit('player-message', buffer); // Use some JavaScript WebSocket library to get this socket variable.

// On the server:
socket.on('player-message', function(buffer) {
  const player = playerSchema.decode(buffer);

In this example, the size of payload is only 13 bytes. Using JSON.stringify instead causes the payload to be 100 bytes.

If you can't emit message strings and can only send array buffers by themselves, add something like __message: "uint8" to the start of all your schemas/objects. On the receiver you can just read the first byte of the buffer to determine what message it is.


I was working on an app that used WebSockets to talk between client and server. Usually when doing this the client and server just send JSON back and forth. However, when receiving a message the receiver already knows what the format of the message is going to be. Example:

// Client:
const message = {sender: 'John', contents: 'hi'};
socket.emit('chat', message);

// Server
socket.on('chat', function (message) {
  // We know message is going to be an object with 'sender' and 'contents' keys

The problems I had with sending JSON back and forth between client and server:

  • It's a complete waste of bandwidth to send all those keys and delimiters when the object format is known.
  • Even though JSON.stringify and JSON.parse are optimized native functions, they're slower than buffers.
  • There's no implicit central message repository where I can look at the format of all my different packets.
  • There's no validation so there's potential to have silent errors when accidentally sending the wrong message.

Why I didn't just use an existing schema packing library:

  • Too complicated: I didn't want to have to learn a schema language and format a schema for every object.
  • Too slow: I benchmarked a couple of other popular libraries and they were often 10x slower than using the native JSON.stringify and JSON.parse. This library is faster than even those native methods.
  • Too large: I didn't want to use a behemoth library with tens of thousands of lines of code and many dependencies for something so simple. This library is 400 lines of code with no dependencies.
  • Too much overhead: Some other libraries that allow you to specify a schema still waste a lot of bytes on padding/keys/etc. This library is designed to not waste a single byte on anything that isn't your data.

Why not just use gzip compression?

  • Bandwidth usage: If you gzip the player example at the top, the payload will actually increase in size. Thus, many engines don't gzip small packets. Compression works best with large payloads with repetition.
  • Memory usage: It is common for compression to use an additional 300 kilobytes per connection.
  • CPU usage: Per-message-deflate can increase encoding times by 5-10x with small payloads (~2x with large).
  • You still can: Using gzip and Binpack is not mutually exclusive. You can still use gzip on the array buffers.


Library Encode
% of max
% of max
Size Size
% of json
schemapack(no validation) 6,983 kop/s 100% 18,173 kops 100% 13B 13%
binpackr(no validation) 6,920 kop/s 99% 15,953 kops 88% 13B 13%
binpackr 6,816 kop/s 98% 16,657 kops 92% 13B 13%
schemapack 6,727 kop/s 96% 17,801 kops 98% 13B 13%
avro 4,999 kop/s 72% 14,704 kops 81% 15B 15%
msgpackr(shared structures) 1,902 kop/s 27% 6,229 kops 34% 20B 20%
msgpackr 1,657 kop/s 24% 1,982 kops 11% 71B 71%
protobufjs 1,533 kop/s 22% 6,150 kops 34% 29B 29%
json 691 kop/s 10% 844 kops 5% 100B 100%
binary-parser - - 1,052 kops 6% 15B 15%

All benchmarks were performed on node/v16.7.0; Darwin; Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz

In addition, Binpack really shines when used with large objects with a lot of nesting and long arrays compared to the competition. I encourage you to run the benchmarks with your own objects to see what works best for you.


const bp = require('binpackr');

On the client, use esbuild/webpack/browserify to automatically include the prerequisite buffer shim if you're not using it already.

For example, if you had a file index.js with the following:

const bp = require('binpackr');
// More code here using binpackr

You can add the Buffer shim by typing browserify index.js > bundle.js and then including that file in your HTML.

<script type="text/javascript" src="bundle.js"></script>

Alternatively, just grab the built minified file from the build folder in the Github repository. Then add the following to your HTML page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="binpackr.min.js"></script>

This will attach it to the window object. In your JavaScript files, the variable will available as binpackr. This built file only needs to be used on the client, as the node server already includes the prerequisite Buffer. The server should use the unbundled version.


Build your schema:

const personSchema ={
  name: 'string',
  age: 'uint8',
  weight: 'float32',
}); // This parses, sorts, validates, flattens, and then saves the resulting schema.

Encode your objects:

const john = {
  name: 'John Smith',
  age: 32,
  weight: 188.5,
const buffer = personSchema.encode(john);
console.log(buffer); // <Buffer 20 0a 4a 6f 68 6e 20 53 6d 69 74 68 43 3c 80 00>

Decode your buffers back to object:

const object = personSchema.decode(buffer);
console.log(; // John Smith
console.log(object.age); // 32
console.log(object.weight); // 188.5

Important array information:

The last item in arrays is both optional and able to be repeated. For example, with this schema:

const schema ={
  numbers: ['string', 'uint8'],

All the following objects are valid for it:

const obj1 = {numbers: ['binpackr']};
const obj2 = {numbers: ['binpackr', 10]};
const obj3 = {numbers: ['lubinpackcky', 14, 7]};
const obj4 = {numbers: ['binpackr', 0, 5, 7]};

The last item can also be an array or object, with any amount of nesting. Here's an example schema:

const schema =[{name: 'string', numbers: ['varint'], age: 'uint8'}]);

And here's an object that conforms to it:

const obj = [
  {name: 'joe', numbers: [-3, 2, 5], age: 42},
  {name: 'john smith iv', numbers: [], age: 27},
  {name: 'bobby', numbers: [-22, 1], age: 6},

Set the encoding used for strings:

'utf8' is the default. If you only need to support English, changing the string encoding to 'ascii' can increase speed. Choose between 'ascii', 'utf8', 'utf16le', 'ucs2', 'base64', 'binary', and 'hex'.


Add type aliases:

bp.addTypeAlias('int', 'varuint');
const builtSchema =['string', 'int']);
const buffer = builtSchema.encode(['dave', 1, 2, 3]);
const object = builtSchema.decode(buffer);
console.log(object); // [ 'dave', 1, 2, 3 ]


By default, validation is enabled. This means that the encode function will include checks to ensure passed objects match the schema.

The build function takes an optional parameter for validation. If set to false, the aforementioned checks will be excluded. Example:

const builtSchema ={sample: 'string'}, false); // Validation checks won't be added to the encode function

To avoid having to pass this flag to each call of build, you can instead call setValidateByDefault to set the default validation strategy. Example:


Setting the parameter to false will disable validation by default, while true will enable validation by default.

Make single item schemas:

const builtSchema ='varint');
const buffer = builtSchema.encode(-350);
const item = builtSchema.decode(buffer);
console.log(item); // -350

Here is a table of the available data types for use in your schemas:

Type Name Aliases Bytes Range of Values
bool boolean 1 True or false
int8 1 -128 to 127
uint8 1 0 to 255
int16 2 -32,768 to 32,767
uint16 2 0 to 65,535
int32 4 -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
uint32 4 0 to 4,294,967,295
float32 4 3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits)
float64 8 1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits)
string varuint length prefix followed by bytes of each character Any string
varuint 1 byte when 0 to 127
2 bytes when 128 to 16,383
3 bytes when 16,384 to 2,097,151
4 bytes when 2,097,152 to 268,435,455
0 to 2,147,483,647
varint 1 byte when -64 to 63
2 bytes when -8,192 to 8,191
3 bytes when -1,048,576 to 1,048,575
4 bytes when -134,217,728 to 134,217,727
-1,073,741,824 to 1,073,741,823
buffer varuint length prefix followed by bytes of buffer Any buffer


Just clone the repository, run npm install in the directory to get the testing framework (it also grabs other libraries for the benchmarks)

Then run npm test.


This library uses Buffer when in the node.js environment (always included) and the buffer shim when in the browser (included with browserify/webpack).
