
A simple module for bitwise operations on buffers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bitwiseBuffer from '';



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A simple module for bitwise operations on buffers.


npm i buffer-bitwise


const bitwiseBuffer = require('bitwise-buffer')
const { xor, and, or, nor, not, leftShift, rightShift, lshift, rshift } = bitwiseBuffer

const a = Buffer.from('0f0f', 'hex')
const b = Buffer.from('ff00', 'hex')

xor(a, b).toString('hex') // 'f00f'
or(a, b).toString('hex') // 'ff0f'
and(a, b).toString('hex') // '0f00'
nor(a, b).toString('hex') // '00f0'
not(a).toString('hex') // 'f0f0'

leftShift(a, 4).toString('hex') // 'f0f0'
rightShift(a, 4).toString('hex') // '00f0'

// for shift operator you can chose to fill with 1
leftShift(a, 4, 1).toString('hex') // 'f0ff'

// lshift is an alias of leftShift
lshift === leftShift // true

// rshift is an alias of rightShift
rshift === rightShift // true

// for binary operator when operand length are differents
const c = Buffer.from('ff00fff0f', 'hex')

xor(a, c).toString('hex') // 'f00ffff0f'
xor(c, a).toString('hex') // 'f00ffff0f'

// all operator allocate new buffer
// for mutable operator use operator.mut
const d = not.mut(a)
a === d // true
a.toString('hex') // 'f0f0'

// for binary operator
const e = Buffer.from('0ff0', 'hex')
const f = Buffer.from('f0f0ff0f00', 'hex')

const g = xor.mut(e, f)
g === e // true
e.toString('hex') // 'ff00'

// #method.mut is an alias of #mut.method

bitwiseBuffer.xor.mut === bitwiseBuffer.mut.xor // true
