
A search engine for blogs without any external services

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import blogsearch from '';


blogsearch Engine

// Asciidoc references // Documentation: // Quick reference: // Asciidoc vs Markdown: // GitHub Flavored Asciidoc (GFA):

:project-version: 0.0.3 :rootdir:

ifdef::env-github[] // Emoji :tip-caption: :bulb: :note-caption: :information_source: :important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :caution-caption: :fire: :warning-caption: :warning: // URL :imagesdir: endif::[]

CAUTION: This is a part of link:{rootdir}[BlogSearch project]. If you would like to know the overall concept, go to link:{rootdir}[the parent directory].

1. Building a search index file

There are tools available to build a search index file for your website. Go to link:{rootdir}/#building-index[the parent directory]

2. Enabling the search engine


// Your input element

Using ES6 (with Webpack)

[source,bash] npm install blogsearch

Optionally install related webpack modules [source,bash] npm install worker-loader file-loader

.your-page.html [source,html,options="nowrap",subs="verbatim,attributes"]

// You may remove this if you want to use your own CSS.

// Your input element

blogsearch uses WebAssembly and Web Worker. So extra configurations are required.

.your-app.js [source,javascript,options="nowrap"]

import blogsearch from 'blogsearch'; // WARNING: This uses worker-loader import SearchWorker from 'blogsearch/lib/worker.js'; // WARNING: This uses file-loader import SearchWasm from 'blogsearch/dist/blogsearch.wasm';

blogsearch({ workerFactory: () => new SearchWorker(), dbPath: 'your_index_file.db.wasm', wasmPath: SearchWasm, inputSelector: '#blogsearch_input', });

.webpack.config.js [source,diff,options="nowrap"]

module.exports = {

...other options...

module: { rules: [

  •  {
  •    test: new RegExp('blogsearch/lib/worker.js'),
  •    type: 'javascript/auto',
  •    loader: 'worker-loader',
  •  },
  •  {
  •    test: new RegExp('blogsearch/dist/blogsearch.wasm'),
  •    type: 'javascript/auto',
  •    loader: 'file-loader',
  •  },
    ...other rules...
    ], } };


  • basic.css
  • blue.css

Advanced Configurations

Modifying CSS

Modifying Dropdown DOM

Full usage example


blogsearch({ // [Mandatory] Path to the index .db.wasm file. dbPath: 'your_index_file.db.wasm', // [Mandatory] CSS Selector to a desired input element. inputSelector: '#blogsearch_input', // [Mandatory for ES6] Path to dist/blogsearch.wasm of the package wasmPath: '{project-version}/dist/blogsearch.wasm', // [Mandatory for ES6] A function that creates blogsearch web worker. // The worker file is either lib/worker.js or dist/worker.umd.js. // Be warned that you can't use a CDN path directly ({project-version}/dist/worker.umd.js) // because of the the same-origin policy. See workerFactory: () => new Worker('worker.js'), // [Optional] Debugging mode switch. debug: false, searchCallback: function (suggestions, showSearchResult) { // [Optional] Override the default search result display behavior.

// suggestions is an array of the search result.
// Write your own code with suggestions...
// This function must be called in order to display the suggestion result.
// Don't call this if you don't want to display it.

}, // [Optional] Override autocomplete.js options. // See the autocomplete.js documentation for the options: autocompleteOptions = { ... }, handleSelected: function (input, event, suggestion, datasetNumber, context) { // [Optional] Override the default behavior when the a suggestion in a search suggestion is selected. // See }, handleShown: function (input, event, suggestion, datasetNumber, context) { // [Optional] Override the default behavior when the suggestions is shown. // See }, // [Optional] Override the default search result template. // The template uses a mustache template: // The following value is the default template from searchResultTemplate: ` <a class=" blogsearch-suggestion blogsearch-suggestion__main " aria-label="Link to the result" href="{{{url}}}"

<div class="blogsearch-suggestion--header">
  <div class="blogsearch-suggestion--title blogsearch-suggestion--header-item">
    <span class="blogsearch-suggestion--header-category blogsearch-suggestion--header-item">
    <span class="blogsearch-suggestion--header-tag blogsearch-suggestion--header-item">
<div class="blogsearch-suggestion--wrapper">
  <div class="blogsearch-suggestion--content">
    <div class="blogsearch-suggestion--text">{{{body_highlight}}}</div>
`, // [Optional] Override the default template when there is no result. // The template uses a mustache template: // The following value is the default template from noResultTemplate: `
No results found for query "{{query}}"
`, // [Optional] Override the text to insert before each matching (highlight) phrase. highlightPreTag: '', // Default value // [Optional] Override the text to insert after each matching (highlight) phrase. highlightPostTag: '', // Default value // [Optional] Number of word tokens to display in the highlighted body field. displayedBodyWords: 10, // Default value // [Optional] The maximum number of suggestions to display. limit: 5, // [Optional] Override the default search rank weight of each field. // The following is the default values of each field. weights: { title: 5, body: 1, url: 1, categories: 3, tags: 3, } }); ----

Using Engine only without UI

.your-page.html [source,html,options="nowrap"]

// You don't need them if you use ES6.

.your-app.js [source,javascript,options="nowrap"]

// For workerFactory and wasmPath, refer usage for ES6 or others. const engine = await blogsearch.engine({ dbPath: 'your_index_file.db.wasm', // workerFactory, // wasmPath, });



Why ES6 is not most recommended?