
provide simple Ledger tooling for the Boco Ledger App with user friendly errors

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bocoLedger from '';


Boco Ledger App wrapper

This library helps interfacing with Boco Ledger App. It provides a developer friendly interface and user friendly error messages.


This library is based on lunie-cosmos-js by Juan Leni who implemented the Boco Ledger App. Thank you Juan!


yarn add @bococoin/boco-ledger


Sign using the Ledger

import Ledger from "@bococoin/boco-ledger"

const signMessage = ... message to sign, generate messages with "@lunie/Cosmos-js"

const ledger = await Ledger().connect()

const signature = await ledger.sign(signMessage)

Using with Boco-js

import Ledger from "@bococoin/boco-ledger"
import Boco from "@lunie/Cosmos-js"

const privateKey = Buffer.from(...)
const publicKey = Buffer.from(...)

// init Boco sender
const Boco = Boco(STARGATE_URL, ADDRESS)

// create message
const msg = Boco
  .MsgSend({toAddress: 'boco1abcd09876', amounts: [{ denom: 'ubcc', amount: 10 }})

// create a signer from this local js signer library
const ledgerSigner = async (signMessage) => {
  const ledger = await Ledger().connect()
  const publicKey = await ledger.getPubKey()
  const signature = await ledger.sign(signMessage)

  return {

// send the transaction
const { included }= await msg.send({ gas: 200000 }, ledgerSigner)

// await tx to be included in a block
await included()