
Simple module for building DOM trees

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import boomJs from '';


Boom is dutch for tree. boom.js is a simple library for building DOM trees. Just place a boom (tree), pass it a container selector and some takken (branches) and it will render the DOM tree you specified in the container. This allows you to programmatically render DOM trees. Minified just ~1kb, no jQuery or other dependencies needed.


Install via npm:

npm install boom.js

Import in app

var boom = require('boom.js').boom
var tak = require('boom.js').tak

//ES6 :)
import { boom, tak } from 'boom.js'

Or just include boom.js/boom.min.js and boom and tak will be globally available

<script src="node_modules/dist/boom.min.js"></script>


//Example in ES6
import { boom, tak } from 'boom.js'

const ingredients = [
  { name: 'Eggs', amount: '2' },
  { name: 'Milk', amount: '500ml' },
  { name: 'Sugar', amount: '300g' },
  { name: 'Vanilla sugar', amount: '50g' }

boom('#container', [
  tak('h1', 'Recipe', { class: 'title'}),
  tak('p', 'Ingredients:'),
  tak('ul', '', { class: 'ingredient-list' }, =>
    tak('li', + ' - ', {}, [
      tak('span', ingredient.amount, { class: 'unit' })
  tak('img', '', { src: '' })


boom(containerSelector: String, takken: Array)

Creates a new boom (tree) with the provided takken (branches) and renders it in the container provided

tak(tagName: string, [content: String], [attributes: Object<name, value>], [children: Array])

Creates a new tak (branch) which represents a DOM node. Takes a tag name (required), text content(optional), attributes as key value pairs(optional) and children as an array of other takken (branches) also optional.