
React bindings for Brandi — the dependency injection container.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import brandiReact from '';


🥃 ⚛️ Brandi-React

Brandi-React is the React bindings layer for Brandi — the dependency injection container. It lets your React components get dependencies from Brandi containers.

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Brandi-React requires React 16.8 or later. You'll also need to install Brandi.

npm install brandi-react
# Yarn
yarn add brandi-react

The Brandi-React source code is written in TypeScript but we precompile both CommonJS and ESModule builds to ES2018.

Additionally, we provide builds precompiled to ESNext by esnext, esnext:main and esnext:module fields.

TypeScript type definitions are included in the library and do not need to be installed additionally.

API Reference

You can find the full Brandi documentation on the website.


// index.ts

import { createContainer } from 'brandi';
import { ContainerProvider } from 'brandi-react';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import { TOKENS } from './tokens';
import { ApiService } from './ApiService';
import { App } from './App';

const container = createContainer();


  <ContainerProvider container={container}>
    <App />
// UserComponent.tsx

import { useInjection } from 'brandi-react';
import { FunctionComponent } from 'react';

import { TOKENS } from './tokens';

export const UserComponent: FunctionComponent = () => {
  const apiService = useInjection(TOKENS.apiService);

  /* ... */

  return (/* ... */);