
A wrapper for Bratislava OpenData API, MHD section

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bratislavaTransit from '';



let mhd = require(`bratislava-transit`)
let eMHaDe = new mhd(`toats' real key`)

const main = async () => {
  await eMHaDe.stops({name: "Hlavná stanica"}).then(console.log)
  await eMHaDe.vehicle({line: 8}).then(console.log)


A wrapper for Bratislava OpenData API /mhd/ section

Has @JSDoc, with better documentation


Getting started!

  1. First off, get an API key from Bratislava's OpenData
  2. Then use npm i bratislava-transit and import it, like in example upper on the page (write it to index.js file)
  3. Use node index to test it


new <BratislavaMHD>(apiKey) Constructor

  • Params
    • apiKey - String - A API key from Bratislava OpenData

async <BratislavaMHD>.stops(options) Function

  • Params
    • options - Object - Optional,
      "stationStopID": 99999,
      "stationID": 999,
      "name": "Umňaukaná",
      "tag": "099999"
  • Returns - Object - Depends on options

async <BratislavaMHD>.vehicle(options) Function

  • Params
    • options - Object - Optional,
      "id": "7416", # vehicleNumber
      "line": "98" # lineNumber
  • Returns - Object - Depends on options

<BratislavaMHD>.linePDF(lineNumber, year) Function

Only works with Arriva Bratislava lines, DPB hasn't published PDFs of lines and ZSSK wants money for that.

Isn't an async Function

  • Params
    • lineNumber - Number - REQUIRED - Example 525
    • year - Number - Optional, Defaults to current year, Value must be between 2021-2031
  • Returns - String - a link to PDF from Arriva Bratislava Servers

i hope one day that we would be able to make apps built on transit here in bratislava