
An easy and expandable Brainfuck interpreter

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import brfck from '';



An easy and expandable Brainfuck and another estoteric languages interpreter


Brainfuck syntaxes

BrainFuck BrainFuck++ EZscript RediScript
> > Next L
< < Prev P
+ + pLus E
- - Minus D
. . Output I
, , Input
[ [ Start {
] ] End }
# Reset R

Learning Brainfuck

Designed by Urban Müller in 1993, Brainfuck is a Turing-complete programming language made of eight instructions, each a single character in length, and no operands:

> : increments the data pointer
< : decrements the data pointer
+ : increases byte-value at the data pointer by one
- : decreases byte-value at the data pointer by one
. : converts the byte-value at the data pointer into an ASCII character
, : accepts input an stores it's byte-value at the data pointer
[ : if the byte-value at the data pointer is zero, jump forward to the instruction after the matching ']'
] : if the byte-value at the data pointer is non-zero, jump back to the instruction after the matching '['



H    : prints "Hello, world!"
Q    : prints program source code
9    : prints the lyrics to 99 Bottles of Beer
+, P : add one to accumulator, useless