
An npm module that serializes or deserializes your native types to an array of bytes.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import byteify from '';


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An npm module that serializes or deserializes your native types to an array of bytes.


To install byteify, run:

$ npm install byteify



const byteify = require('byteify');

// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 1 ]
const serializedBool = byteify.serializeBool(true);

// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 10 ] 
const serializedUint8 = byteify.serializeUint8(10); 
// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 1, 0 ]
const serializedUint16 = byteify.serializeUint16(256); 
// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 0, 15, 66, 64 ]
const serializedUint32 = byteify.serializeUint32(1000000); 
// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 5, 245, 225, 0, 5, 245, 225, 0 ]
const serializedUint64 = byteify.serializeUint64(100000000); 

// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 255 ] 
const serializedInt8 = byteify.serializeInt8(-1); 
// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 252, 24 ]
const serializedInt16 = byteify.serializeInt16(-1000); 
// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 255, 254, 121, 96 ]
const serializedInt32 = byteify.serializeInt32(-100000); 
// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 ]
const serializedInt64 = byteify.serializeInt64(-1); 

// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 10, 215, 185, 65 ] 
const serializedFloat32 = byteify.serializeFloat32(23.23); 
// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 123, 20, 174, 71, 225, 58,  55, 64 ]
const serializedFloat64 = byteify.serializeFloat64(23.23);


const byteify = require('byteify');

// The value will be: Uint8Array(1) [ 1 ]
const deserializedBool = byteify.deserializeBool([ 1 ]);

// The value will be: 10
const deserializedUint8 = byteify.deserializeUint8([ 10 ]);
// The value will be: 1
const deserializedUint16 = byteify.deserializeUint16([ 1, 0 ]);
// The value will be: 0
const deserializedUint32 = byteify.deserializeUint32([ 0, 15, 66, 64 ]);
// The value will be: 5
const deserializedUint64 = byteify.deserializeUint64([ 5, 245, 225, 0, 5, 245, 225, 0 ]);

// The value will be: -1
const deserializedInt8 = byteify.deserializeInt8([ 255 ]);
// The value will be: -1000
const deserializedInt16 = byteify.deserializeInt16([ 252, 24 ]);
// The value will be: -100000
const deserializedInt32 = byteify.deserializeInt32([ 255, 254, 121, 96 ]);
// The value will be: -1
const deserializedInt64 = byteify.deserializeInt64([ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 ]);

// The value will be: 23.23
const deserializedFloat32 = byteify.deserializeFloat32([ 10, 215, 185, 65 ]);
// The value will be: 23.23
const deserializedFloat64 = byteify.deserializeFloat64([ 123, 20, 174, 71, 225, 58,  55, 64 ]);


const { limits } = require('byteify');

    bool: 1,
    uint8: 255,
    uint16: 65535,
    uint32: 4294967295,
    uint64: Number.MAX_VALUE, // Note: problem because max value in js has 53 precision and not 64
    int8: 127,
    int16: 32767,
    int32: 2147483647,
    int64: Number.MAX_VALUE, // Note: problem because max value in js has 53 precision and not 64,
    float32: Number.MAX_VALUE, // TODO
    float64: Number.MAX_VALUE // TODO

    bool: 0,
    uint8: 0,
    uint16: 0,
    uint32: 0,
    uint64: 0,
    int8: -128,
    int16: -32768,
    int32: -2147483648,
    int64: -9007199254740991, // Note: problem because max value in js has 53 precision and not 64,
    float32: -9007199254740991, // TODO
    float64: -9007199254740991 // TODO

    bool: 1,
    uint8: 1,
    uint16: 2,
    uint32: 4,
    uint64: 8,
    int8: 1,
    int16: 2,
    int32: 4,
    int64: 8,
    float32: 4,
    float64: 8


The documentation site is: byteify documentation

The documentation for development site is: byteify dev documentation


To build the module make sure you have the dev dependencies installed.

The project is written in Typescript, bundled with Webpack and linted with ESLint.


In order to lint the code:

$ npm run lint

In order to lint and fix the code:

$ npm run lint:fix

There are also the :source and :test suffix after lint in order to lint only the source code or the test code.


To transpile both the source and the test code:

$ npm run transpile

The source and the test folders will be transpiled in the dist folder. Also the type declarations will be generated.

To transpile only the source code:

$ npm run transpile:source

The source folder will be transpiled in the dist folder. Also the type declarations will be generated.


After having transpiled the code, run:

$ npm test

in order to run the tests with mocha.

If a coverage report is to be generated, run:

$ npm run nyc


$ npm run bundle

The source folder will be compiled in the bundled folder. It will contain the bundled index.js and index.d.ts files.