
Callbag operator that broadcasts a single source to multiple sinks. Does reference counting on sinks and starts the source when the first sink gets connected, similar to RxJS .share(). Works on either pullable or listenable sources.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import callbagShare from '';



Callbag operator that broadcasts a single source to multiple sinks. Does reference counting on sinks and starts the source when the first sink gets connected, similar to RxJS .share(). Works on either pullable or listenable sources.

npm install callbag-share


Share a listenable source to two listeners:

const interval = require('callbag-interval');
const observe = require('callbag-observe');
const share = require('callbag-share');

const source = share(interval(1000));

observe(x => console.log(x))(source); // 0
                                      // 1
                                      // 2
                                      // 3
                                      // ...

setTimeout(() => {
  observe(x => console.log(x))(source); // 3
                                        // 4
                                        // 5
                                        // ...
}, 3500);

Share a pullable source to two pullers:

const fromIter = require('callbag-from-iter');
const share = require('callbag-share');

const source = share(fromIter([10,20,30,40,50]));

let talkback;
source(0, (type, data) => {
  if (type === 0) talkback = data;
  else console.log('a' + data);

source(0, (type, data) => {
  if (type === 1) console.log('b' + data);

talkback(1); // a10
             // b10
talkback(1); // a20
             // b20