
Drop-in users system for Cantina apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cantinaAppUsers from '';



Provides a basic, extensible user system for a cantina application. Includes the user model (with an extensible default schema), authentication, and default email templates for basic user account-related emails.

Table of Contents


Most of the provided defaults are easily overridden via configuration (etc) or application hooks (app.hook). Default email templates can be overridden by providing an alternative template having the same name.

Default Schema

Provides the default user schema.


module.exports = function (app) {
  app.Schema.extend(app.schemas.user, {
    properties: {
      someprop: {
      type: 'string',
      default: '',
      required: true

Default Admin User

Provides the default admin user, Web Team, with password "admin".


# In etc/app/users.yml
    username: webteam
    password: ryd9ebyz


Provides schemas for cantina-models

See cantina-models-schemas for details.


Provides a standard implementation of the functionality required by cantina-auth, as well as session management.


module.exports = function (app) {
  var controller = app.controller();'/login', function (req, res, next) {
    if (!req.body) {
        return next(new Error('Invalid post data'));
      if (! || !req.body.pass) {
        res.formError('login', 'Email and password are both required.');
        return next();

      app.collections.users.findByAuth(, req.body.pass, function (err) {
        if (err) {
          res.formError('login', err.message);
          return next();
  }'/logout', function (req, res, next) {
    app.auth.logOut(req, function (err) {
      if (err) return res.renderError(err);

  return controller;
module.exports = function (app) {
  app.hook('model:destroy:user', function (user, next) {

    // Kill the user's active sessions
    app.auth.killSession(user, next);


Provides templates and hooks for cantina-email user account related emails.


Provides defaults for:

  • users/account_confirm
  • users/email_confirm
  • users/account_invitation
  • users/password_reset

Your application may override any of these by providing its own template with the same name.


Adds a hook to email:send:before for the email templates above. The hook will perform the following:

  • Generate an expiring token
    • prefix: Defaults to "password-reset" for users/password_reset template, "account" for all others. Your application may override this by setting vars.preset in the vars.
    • expire: Defaults to 24 hours for users/password_reset template, 7 days for all others. Your application may override this by setting vars.expire in the vars.
  • Add
    • The result of app.conf.get('app').
    • Required for the default email templates:
      • app.title
    • Your application may override this by setting in the vars.
  • Add vars.url
    • A url build of the conf's app.protocol, app.domain, and a pathname appended with the generated token. The pathnames are:
      • /forgot/{token}
      • /account-confirm/{token}
      • /email-confirm/{token}
      • /account-invitation/{token} Your application may override this by setting vars.pathname or vars.url in the vars.

API Reference


Exentded namespace for user models

app.collections.users.findByAuth(email, password, cb)

Load user with matching email from the database and verifies password. Returns a sanitized user model, if match is found.


Namespace for authentication-related API

app.auth.logIn(user, req, res, next)

Invokes req.logIn and adds the req.sessionID to a set of sessionIDs for the user in redis.

app.auth.setPassword(user, password, cb)

Sets the auth property on the user model to be a bcrypt hash of the password

app.auth.checkPassword(user, password, cb)

Checks the password against the user's auth property using

app.auth.killSession(user, sessionID, cb)

Destroys the session and removes the sessionID from user's set in redis.

app.auth.killAllSessions(user, cb)

Loads the user's sessionIDs from redis and destroys each. Deletes the user's set of sessionIDs in redis.

app.auth.logOut(req, cb)

Invokes req.logOut and app.auth.killSession for the authenticated user

app.serializeUser(user, cb)

Implements user serialization for cantina-auth. Returns the user model's id property.

app.deserializeUser(id, cb)

Implements user deserialization for cantina-auth. Loads and returns the user with matching id in app.collections.user.

app.verifyTwitterUser(token, tokenSecret, profile, done)

Implements account verification for cantina-auth-twitter. Creates or updates the existing user account with matching emailon app.collections.user.

app.verifyFacebookUser(token, tokenSecret, profile, done)

Implements account verification for cantina-auth-facebook. Creates or updates the existing user account with matching emailon app.collections.user.

Developed by Terra Eclipse

Terra Eclipse, Inc. is a nationally recognized political technology and strategy firm located in Santa Cruz, CA and Washington, D.C.