
Convert between arbitrary units with BigNumber math

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import catalytic from '';


catalytic - a module for your unit conversion needs Build Status


  • Simple, easily understood API
  • Convert to and from arbitrary units
  • Uses BigNumber for math: avoiding inexplicable floating-point math errors
  • Does not come with awareness of anything by default, you have to teach it whatever conversions you care about


var catalytic = require('catalytic')

var converter = catalytic.converter({
  baseUnitName: 'lb',
  types: [
    {id: 'id1', name: 'case (50lb)', qty: 50},
    {id: 'id2', name: 'porterhouse (1.5lb)', qty: 1.5},
    {id: 'id3', name: 'porterhouse (2lb)', qty: 2}

converter.convertTo(100, 'id1') // => 2
converter.convertTo(90, 'id1')  // => 1.8
converter.strConvertTo(100, 'id1') // => "2 x case (50lb)"

converter.convertFrom(2, 'id1') // => 100
converter.strConvertFrom(5, 'id1') // "250 x lb"

If you're converting from/to undefined or null, we assume you're converting from/to the base unit (i.e., not changing anything):

converter.convertTo(100) // => 100
converter.strConvertTo(100) // => "100 x lb"

converter.convertFrom(10) // => 10
converter.strConvertFrom(10) // => "10 x lb"

There's also some basic methods for easy conversion without an object:

catalytic.convertToUnitQty({count: 5, unitQty: 10}) // => 50
catalytic.convertFromUnitQty({count: 50, unitQty: 10}) // => 5


This module is written in ES2015 and converted to node-friendly CommonJS via Babel. Tests are run with mocha.

If you're going to add a PR, please write a test too. They live in the test directory. To run all tests:

npm test

To compile the src directory to lib:

npm run build