
Asynchronous templates for the browser and node.js (Catberry fork)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import catberryDust from '';


Catberry Dust

Build Status Gitter

It is Catberry fork of Linkedin fork of Dust template engine.


npm install catberry-dust --save

Getting Started

A quick tutorial for how to use Dust here.

Difference from LinkedIn fork

  • All codebase is re-writtern in ES2015/ES6 and optimized for Catberry Framework and browserify
  • All components organized via node modules
  • Dust is a constructor now. You should create an instance to use it. No global variables anymore.
  • It has TemplateProvider and Service Locator registration for Catberry Framework
  • There are no ECMAScript 5 shims like indexOf and JSON
  • There is no stream and compiler in a browser version
  • Server-side stream is based on node.js Readable
  • Helpers are built-in
  • Removed tap helper, use context.tap inside helpers instead
  • You can add helpers via dust.helperManager.add('helperName', helper)
  • You can add filters via dust.filterManager.add('filterName', filter)
  • You can register and compile templates via dust.templateManager.compile(source) and dust.templateManager.registerCompiled(name, compiled)
  • By default h filter is applied to value, if you specify any filter(s) it will not apply h filter after your filters
  • Improved logging, removed many redundant messages and all log messages go to Catberry's event bus if it is registered into Catberry.
  • Compiled templates do not use global variable dust
  • Removed redundant pragmas such as {%esc:s} from Dust grammar
  • Method dust.render returns a Promise


To use Dust you should register the template engine into the Catberry locator as following.

const dust = require('catberry-dust');
const cat = catberry.create(config);

In fact, Catberry CLI does it for you.

If you want to use it as a standalone package you need to do following:

Create Dust instance at server and in browser like this:

const Dust = require('catberry-dust').Dust;
const dust = new Dust();

Compile, register and render at server:

const compiled = dust.templateManager.compile('{#some}Source{/some}');
dust.templateManager.registerCompiled('someTemplateName', compiled);

const stream = dust.getStream('someTemplateName', {some: true});

dust.render('someTemplateName', {some: true})
    .then(content => console.log(content));

Register and render in browser (template should be compiled already):

dust.templateManager.registerCompiled('someTemplateName', compiled);

dust.render('someTemplateName', {some: true})
    .then(content => console.log(content));

Also, you need browserify to use it in browser.


There are a lot of ways to contribute:

Denis Rechkunov