
Module used to parse Catenis message blockchain transactions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import catenisMsgInspector from '';


Catenis Message Inspector

A JavaScript library used for inspection of Catenis messages.


On Node.js:

npm install catenis-msg-inspector

On the browser:

<script src=""></script>

Browser compatibility

The Catenis Message Inspector library is compatible with modern web browsers.

It has been tested on the following web browsers:

  • Safari ver. 13.1 (on macOS Catalina 10.15)
  • Google Chrome ver. 83.0 64 bits (on macOS Catalina 10.15, Windows 10)
  • Google Chrome ver. 83.0 32 bits (on Windows 8.1)
  • Firefox ver. 76.0 64-bits (on macOS Catalina 10.15)
  • Microsoft Edge ver. 44 (on Windows 10)

Note: Internet Explorer is not supported.


Instantiate the message inspector object

On Node.js:

const ctnMsgInspector = require('catenis-msg-inspector');

const msgInspector = new ctnMsgInspector.MessageInspector({network:'testnet'});

On the browser:

const msgInspector = new ctnMsgInspector.MessageInspector({network:'testnet'});

Constructor options

The following options can be used when instantiating the message inspector object:

  • network [String] - (optional, default: 'main') Bitcoin blockchain network where Catenis message transactions are recorded. Valid values:
    • 'main'
    • 'testnet'
  • reqOptions [Object] - (optional) Object with common options to be passed to (Node.js') http.request() function.
  • blockExplorer [Object] - (optional)
  • blockExplorer.api [Object] - (optional, default: {rootUrl:'', getRawTxHexEndpoint:'tx/:txid/hex'})
  • blockExplorer.api.rootUrl [String] - Root URL of blockchain explorer API to use.
  • blockExplorer.api.getRawTxHexEndpoint [String] - Endpoint of API service used for getting hex-encoded raw transactions. It is expected the endpoint to have the inline parameter :txid.
  • blockExplorer.reqOptions [Object] - (optional) Object with options to be passed to (Node.js') http.request() function when accessing the blockchain explorer API.
  • ipfsGateway [Object] - (optional)
  • ipfsGateway.url [String] - (optional, default: '') URL of IPFS gateway to use to retrieve data from IPFS.
  • ipfsGateway.reqOptions [Object] - (optional) Object with options to be passed to (Node.js') http.request() function when retrieving data from IPFS.

Inspecting messages

Call the inspectMessage() method of the message inspector object passing the reference to a Catenis message's container.

The object will then gather the information about the Catenis message and return it asynchronously. You can either pass it a callback or use the returned promise. The message information is saved in the message inspector object's properties, and the object itself is returned.

Message info properties

The following properties should be added to the message inspector object once the Catenis message's inspection is done:

  • txid [String] - ID of the blockchain transaction used to register the Catenis message onto the bitcoin blockchain.
  • hexTx [String] - Serialized blockchain transaction in hex format.
  • btcTransact [Transaction] - Parsed blockchain transaction. An instance of the Transaction class object as defined in the bitcoinjs-lib Node.js module.
  • txData [TransactionData] - Parsed data embedded in the blockchain transaction. An instance of the TransactionData class object as defined in this library. Relevant properties:
    • buffer [Buffer] Buffer containing the actual embedded data.
  • txType [Object] - Object identifying the type of the Catenis issued transaction. Relevant properties:
    • name [String] The transaction type name. Possible values:
      • sendMessage
      • logMessage
      • settleOffChainMessages
    • description [String] Description of the transaction type.
  • msgType [Object] - Object identifying the type of Catenis message. Relevant properties:
    • name [String] The message type name. Possible values:
      • sendStandardMessage
      • logStandardMessage
      • sendOffChainMessage
      • logOffChainMessage
    • description [String] Description of the message type.
  • msgOptions [Object] - Object indicating the applied message options. Object properties:
    • embedding [Boolean] Indicates whether the message contents is embedded in the blockchain transaction or not (recorded in an external storage provider).
    • encryption [Boolean] Indicates whether the message contents is encrypted or not.
    • padding [Boolean] Indicates whether the embedded message contents is padded or not.
    • readConfirmation [Boolean] Indicates whether the message was sent with read confirmation.
  • originDevice [Object] - Object identifying the Catenis virtual device that had issued the message. Object properties:
    • address [String] Bitcoin address derived from the Catenis virtual device's cryptographic key pair. Note: this property is not available for off-chain messages.
    • pubKeyHash [Buffer] Buffer containing the cryptographic hash (RIPEMD-160(SHA-256(public key))) of the public key of a cryptographic key pair that belongs to the Catenis virtual device.
  • targetDevice [Object] - Object identifying the Catenis virtual device to which the message is addressed. Object properties:
    • address [String] Bitcoin address derived from the Catenis virtual device's cryptographic key pair. Note: this property is not available for off-chain messages.
    • pubKeyHash [Buffer] Buffer containing the cryptographic hash (RIPEMD-160(SHA-256(public key))) of the public key of a cryptographic key pair that belongs to the Catenis virtual device.
  • msgPadding [Buffer] - Buffer containing the bytes used for padding the embedded message contents.
  • message [Buffer] - Buffer containing the message contents.
  • storageProvider [Object] - Object identifying the external storage provider that was used to record the message. Relevant properties:
    • name [String] The name of the external storage provider. Possible values:
      • ipfs
    • description [String] Description of the external storage provider.
  • messageRef [CID] - Reference to the recorded message on the external storage provider. An instance of the CID class object as defined in the cids Node.js module.
  • batchDocCid [CID] - Content ID of the off-chain messages batch document on IPFS. An instance of the CID class object as defined in the cids Node.js module.
  • batchDoc [BatchDocument] - Parsed off-chain messages batch document. An instance of the BatchDocument class object as defined in the catenis-off-chain-lib Node.js module.
  • offChainCid [CID] - Content ID of the off-chain message envelope on IPFS. An instance of the CID class object as defined in the cids Node.js module.
  • offChainMsgEnvelope [MessageEnvelope] - Parsed off-chain message envelope. An instance of the MessageEnvelope class object as defined in the catenis-off-chain-lib Node.js module.


In the following examples the msgContainer variable simulates a successful response from the Retrieve Message Container method of the Catenis API.

Inspecting standard Catenis message

const msgContainer = {
  blockchain: {
    txid: '7b197d3c706b40f0cd6ce5c36309b3429d0bc7ce1d57cb2a9950d58694c7de5f',
    isConfirmed: true

Using a callback:

msgInspector.inspectMessage(msgContainer.blockchain.txid, (err, res) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error inspecting message:', err);
  else {
    console.log('Inspection result:', res);

Using promise:

.then((res) => {
  console.log('Inspection result:', res);
}, (err) => {
  console.error('Error inspecting message:', err);

Inspecting off-chain Catenis message not yet settled on the blockchain

const msgContainer = {
  offChain: {
    cid: "QmR8SzCMcu4LYpw16Xo6sVYwdMfcomkp5sAcYdEhQJ69oK"
  externalStorage: {
    ipfs: "QmYDT2i4q6DDLFdQ8JrLJqTryyjGxcwvD6MfA3S3M87Px9"

Using a callback:

msgInspector.inspectMessage(null, msgContainer.offChain.cid, (err, res) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error inspecting message:', err);
  else {
    console.log('Inspection result:', res);

Using promise:

msgInspector.inspectMessage(null, msgContainer.offChain.cid)
.then((res) => {
  console.log('Inspection result:', res);
}, (err) => {
  console.error('Error inspecting message:', err);

Inspecting off-chain Catenis message already settled on the blockchain

const msgContainer = {
  offChain: {
    cid: 'QmYrsDziW2z6m2Qq5zbMcV3eBwTJWBwZrQR8pGYsAVd7i3'
  blockchain: {
    txid: '20382af6a33b32c957e5ab4e7b2a4feafb307063700c077708ba47de835fc625',
    isConfirmed: true
  externalStorage: {
    ipfs: 'QmRoxMMW1Jv7JpLjzGBdhWBJh9QW3acRGFGkBrcihnTz4q'

Using a callback:

msgInspector.inspectMessage(msgContainer.blockchain.txid, msgContainer.offChain.cid, (err, res) => {
  if (err) {
   console.error('Error inspecting message:', err);
  else {
   console.log('Inspection result:', res);

Using promise:

msgInspector.inspectMessage(msgContainer.blockchain.txid, msgContainer.offChain.cid)
.then((res) => {
  console.log('Inspection result:', res);
}, (err) => {
  console.error('Error inspecting message:', err);


This JavaScript library is released under the MIT License. Feel free to fork, and modify!

Copyright © 2020, Blockchain of Things Inc.