
Simple Promise based wrapper for MailChimp API v3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chimpWrapper from '';


STATUS: Added campaigns methods see WIKI

Simple Promise based Mailchimp v3 wrapper for Node.js

All methods return a Promise.

npm install --save chimp-wrapper

Basic methods calls

Insert API path only without protocol/domainname, the full url will be geneted from you API key (EG: /lists)

you can use relative or absolute path it will be generated as a absolute anyway

var ChimpWrapper = require('chimp-wrapper');
const CW = new ChimpWrapper(yourApiKeyString);

CW.get (PATH); (PATH, body);
CW.put/patch (PATH, body);
CW.delete (PATH);

Query Builder Methods



there are tests suites in test/ before testing rename .env-sample.json to .env.json and edit the API_KEY inside to match the one for you testing account. all the created element gets deleted after tests. Also TEST_MAIL for mail testing, and LIST_ID used in campaings testing where you can use your dummy list if you need to test.

npm test

Client-side support

Builded a version for client but seems like the new api doesn't accept apiKey calls, I'll give it a look in the future or make a separate repo for the client version with OAuth.