
Loggly endpoint for cinovo-logger.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cinovoLoggerLoggly from '';


       __                                         /\_ \
  ___ /\_\    ___     ___   __  __    ___         \//\ \     ___      __      __      __   _ __
 /'___\/\ \ /' _ `\  / __`\/\ \/\ \  / __`\  _______\ \ \   / __`\  /'_ `\  /'_ `\  /'__`\/\`'__\
/\ \__/\ \ \/\ \/\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \_/ |/\ \L\ \/\______\\_\ \_/\ \L\ \/\ \L\ \/\ \L\ \/\  __/\ \ \/
\ \____\\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____/\ \___/ \ \____/\/______//\____\ \____/\ \____ \ \____ \ \____\\ \_\
 \/____/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/___/  \/__/   \/___/          \/____/\/___/  \/___L\ \/___L\ \/____/ \/_/
                                                                      /\____/ /\____/
                                                                      \_/__/  \_/__/

NPM version NPM dependencies


Loggly endpoint for cinovo-logger.

Getting started

At first you must install and require the logger.

npm install cinovo-logger

Next you must require the module

var logger = require("cinovo-logger");

Append cinovo-logger-notificationcenter endpoint

npm install cinovo-logger-loggly

In your JavaScript code append the console endpoint.

logger.append(require("cinovo-logger-loggly")(true, true, true, true, "customerToken", ["tag1", "tag2"]));

Log something

logger.debug("all values are ok");"myscript", "all values are ok");
logger.error("myscript", "some values are not ok", {a: 10, b: 20});
logger.exception("myscript", "some values are not ok", new Error("error"));
logger.critical("myscript", "all values are not ok", {a: 10, b: 20}, function(err) { ... });


Now you can log to Loggly endpoint.


(debug, info, error, critial, customerToken[, tags])

Sync creates a Notification Center Endpoint.

  • debug: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log debug level
  • info: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log info level
  • error: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log error level
  • critical: Boolean - true if the endpoint should log critical level
  • customerToken: String - Loggly customer token (Can be found in the loggly console at Source Setup -> Customer Tokens)
  • tags: Array[String] - Tags used by loggly (optional)

return: Endpoint - Endpoint - use the endpoint like this logger.append(endpoint)