
The City API returns the city from a latitude and longitude using spatial mapping and data anlysis.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import city from '';



The City API gets a city or closest city from a latitude and longitude.

It uses an algorithim that utilises spatial mapping and sophisticated data analysis to give you a blazing fast and accurate response from over 150,000 cities from every country across the globe.

This package requires an API key which can be generated Here.



npm i city --save


const city = require( 'city' )

//Using Promises
city.get( latitude, longitude, size, apiKey )
    .then( location => {
      console.log( location )
    .catch( e => console.log( e ))
//Async await
const location = await city.get( latitude, longitude, size, apiKey )

City Sizes

Size Description
NULL This will search through every city of every size
0 Major Cities, 1m+ population
1 Big Cities, 250k - 1m population
2 Medium Cities, 10k - 250k population
3 Small cities, under 10k population


city.get( 35.4526317, 139.4546863, 0, apiKey )
    city: 'Yokohama'.
    country: 'JP',
    population: 3574443,
    distance: 17.823109463333083

city.get( 42.34133262, -83.05576000, 1, apiKey )
    city: 'Detroit'.
    country: 'US',
    population: 677116,
    distance: 1.3745663787473823


Property Description
city The city name.
country The 2 letter country code which the city is located.
population The last updated population of that city.
distance The distance between the user and city center in km.


Status Error Description
422 API KEY NOT FOUND You need to pass your API key as a parameter. You can get one Here.
422 INVALID API KEY Your key is invalid or badly formatted.
422 INVALID SIZE Your size parameter is invalid.
402 NO CREDITS REMAINING You need to purchase more credits for your key. You can do that Here.
422 INVALID COORDINATES Missing or invalid latitude/ longitude.


This is a brand new API launced in February 2021. Full Documentation will be here soon.

Click Here to see the full documentation

Use cases

  • Location based social media
  • Dating services
  • Profiles
  • Location based games
  • Environmental evaluation
  • Map and directions services