
Simplified cli program head, using nopt as parser

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cliHead from '';


cli-head makes it easy to create cli scripts. it uses nopt for Process argument parsing. It lets you wrap every nopt option (a noption, if you will) with a config object that allows you to:

  • Set default value for the noption
  • Add noption description, for help menu
  • Mark noption as required, fail command with help if not satisfied

Additionally, it lets you set the following command level options:

  • Declare that the command requires additional args (remain)
  • Declare a function to transform remaining args
  • Declare onBeforeStart, onBeforeClose middlewares to the command
  • Declare the command handler

It also automatically configures chillogger to for easy printing in 3 different levels of verbosity based on command line args as follows:

  • default: (chillogger defaults) level 3 (info), no trace and verbosity 0
  • -v, verbose: level 3 (info), with trace and verbosity 1
  • -vv, very-verbose: level 4 (debug), with trace and verbosity 2

So, with cli-head, command line programs be like:

const {loadCommandsDir, addCommand, runProgram} = require("../cli-head");
const {join} = require("path")


And in your commands directory:

const path = require("path");
const Logger = require("chillogger");
const log = new Logger("example1");

module.exports = [
        name: "example1",
        options: [
                name: "path",
                description: "options are parsed with nopt",
                noption: path,
                name: "number",
                description: "can mark as required, and assign default value; will be multiplied by 1000",
                noption: Number,
                required: true,
                default: 2,
                transform: (v)=>v*1000
        remain: {
            name: "requiredReamin",
            required: true,
            transform: value => ({
                custom:"parsing of remain",
                value:  value            })
        description: "an example command",
        onBeforeStart: (args)=>{
            log.debug("OnBefore Run example1", args)
            args.addedInOnBeforeStart = "added"
            return args
        handler: (args) => {
  "Runnin example2. will return a random in 2 seconds");
            return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
                }, 2000)
        onBeforeClose: (results, args)=>{
  "finishing with onBeforeClose", {results}, args);