
Agnostic transactional email sending in Node.js environment

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cliam from '';



Build Status Coverage Status CodeFactor Grade (branch) GPL Licence

Transactional emails with a kick

Agnostic transactional email sending in Node.js environment :boom: :muscle: :pill:

> Why ?

To improve and facilitate the implementation, flexibility and maintenance of transactional emailing tasks.

> Features

  • Agnostic transactional email sending using web API or SMTP server. One input, one output.
  • Configuration based, not implementation based : easy switch between different modes.
  • Normalized transactions events.
  • Securized payloads.
  • Customisable default templates.

> Table of contents

> Requirements

  • Node.js >= 14.16.0
  • NPM >= 6.14.11

> Getting started


> npm i cliam --save


Create a .cliamrc.json file on the root of your project.

> touch .cliamrc.json

Define a minimalist configuration in .cliamrc.json newly created:

  "consumer": {
    "domain": ""
  "mode": {
    "api": {
      "name": "YOUR_PROVIDER",
      "credentials": {
        "apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY"
      "templates" : {
        "...": "..."

See configuration wiki section for more information about availables options and configurations.


import { Cliam } from 'cliam';

// Do some stuffs ...
Cliam.emit('user.confirm', payload)
  .then(res => {
    console.log('Email has been delivered: ', res);
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('Error while mail sending: ', err)

See request payload wiki section for more information about availables options and configurations.

> Beneficiary use cases

:white_check_mark: I have many projects which uses differents providers, it's a hell of a thing to maintain.

This is to be forgotten with Cliam. No more worries about polymorphics inputs / outputs. Whether you are working with an A, B, C, D provider or a smtp server, your input / output will always be the same regardless of your delivery method or service provider.

:white_check_mark: I wish change from supplier, but I'm in panic about the implementation ?

Piece of cake, your implementation does not move, you just have to adapt a configuration file, remove your legacy code and implement some other lines of code.

:white_check_mark: I don't have a subscription to a supplier, and no templates

No problem, we have all been poor once. Start with a simple SMTP server and use default customisable templates. When your business is up, you can use a paid web api.

:white_check_mark: I did not have time to prepare the template for an important email that should be send today !

[Coming soon] No more, you can fallback easily with an one shot default template in two minutes, watch in hand.

:white_check_mark: I have a big problem with a provider, and my emails stay blocked in the pipe !

[Coming soon] The same: fallback on a SMTP server. In two minutes you're ready and your mailing is back in operation.

> Supported web API providers

Sendgrid Mailgun Sparkpost

Postmark Mailjet Sendinblue

> Licence

AGPL-3.0 License