
Transfer job description and data to couchdb. Submit task to the computing grid

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clusterpostProvider from '';



This is an Hapi plugin to Execute jobs in remote computing grids using a REST api. Data transfer, job execution and monitoring are all handled by clusterpost.

Clusterpost uses node with Hapijs in the server side application plus couchdb for storage.

Cluster post is easy to deploy and will integrate well with existing applications.

To install the server application check the documentation in clusterpost-server

This is a sample configuration. It requires couch-provider to manage access to couchdb. The namespace 'clusterprovider' is used to discover the REST api for couchdb in the hapi server application. The configuration for 'clusterpost-provider' contains a set of access credentials to computing grids. For more information about the type of computing grids that are supported check clusterpost-execution

This package depends on hapi-jwt-couch, for the route authentication and encryption of tokens. The algorithm section has the parameters to encrypt the tokens that are emmited for the clusterpost-execution.

var obj_config = {
    "hapi-jwt-couch": {"Configuration for hapi-jwt-couch"}
    "couch-provider": {
        "default" : "clusterjobstest",
        "clusterjobstest" : {
            "hostname": "http://localhost:5984",
            "database": "clusterjobstest"
        "namespace": ["clusterprovider"]
        "algorithm": {
            "algorithm": "HS256",
            "expiresIn": "7d"
        local_storage: "./local_storage",
        "executionservers" : {
            "testserver" : {
                "hostname" : "localhost", 
                "user" : "username",
                "identityfile" : "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
                "sourcedir" : "/path/to/install/clusterpost-execution/"			