
An awesome variation of @commitlint/config-conventional

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commitlintConfigAwesome from '';



An awesome variation of @commitlint/config-conventional.

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Table of Contents

About the Package

This package is a commitlint configuration for commit message conventions and enforcement. It's a modified variation of @commitlint/config-conventional, with the following enhancements:

  • Commit message header-length is extended to 80 characters, provoked by lengthy Greenkeeper's commit message subject lines.

Learn more about commitlint configuration.


npm install -D commitlint-config-awesome


Use the "extends": "awesome" property in your commitlint config, then add any additional configuration as required.

Using package.json file

  "commitlint": {
    "extends": ["awesome"]

Using .commitlintrc.json file

  "extends": ["awesome"]

Using .commitlintrc.yml file

extends: [awesome]

Using commitlint.config.js, .commitlintrc.js file

module.exports = {
  extends: ['awesome']

Custom Configuration

There are many ways to implement custom configurations. Review the complete list of possible rules to learn more.

You can override the rules immediately following the extends property. See the following examples.

Using JSON

  "extends": ["awesome"],
  "rules": {
    "header-max-length": [0, "always", 100]

Using YAML

extends: [awesome]
  header-max-length: [0, 'always', 100]

Using JavaScript

module.exports = {
  extends: ['awesome'],
  rules: {
    'header-max-length': [0, 'always', 100]

Forking and publishing your own configuration

Depending on how far down the rabbit role you need to go, you may want to publish your own configuration.

Fork the repo, then perform a few find-replace tasks on all files in your version of the repository:

  1. Find commitlint-config-awesome, replace with commitlint-config-your-config-name
  2. Find awesome, replace with your-config-name
  3. Find seantrane, replace with your-profile
  4. Delete files; rm -Rf CODEOWNERS


Submit an issue, in which you should provide as much detail as necessary for your issue.


Contributions are always appreciated. Read documentation to learn more.


Release details are documented in the file, and on the GitHub Releases page.


ISC License

Copyright (c) 2018 Sean Trane Sciarrone