
Mixin commitlint config intended for monorepos

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commitlintConfigMonorepo from '';



A mixin commitlint config intended for monorepos. Makes (scope)s required and forces you to be explicit about which (scope) values are allowed. Intended to be used with another config as the base.

Differences from Conventional Commits


echo "fix: some message" # a (scope) is required


echo "fix(docs): Sandbox re-renders as expected"

Getting started

note: see this gist for setting up commitlint and husky.

npm i -D commitlint-config-monorepo

In commitlint.config.js at the root of your repo:

module.exports = {
  extends: ["some-other-base-config", "monorepo"],
  rules: {
    // Override this rule to explicitly state your own (scope)s.
    "scope-enum": [
      2, // Throw error when (scope) is not one of these values.
        // This is the only default value baked into the config.

Advanced Configuration

This configuration dynamically reads subdirectories of /packages and makes them valid (scope)s. Ex. if you have a subdirectory /packages/components/ this would make "components" a valid (scope).

const { readdirSync: readDirectory } = require("fs");
const DEFAULT_SCOPES = ["repo"];

const packageDirNames = readDirectory("./packages", { withFileTypes: true })
  .filter((entry) => entry.isDirectory())
  .map((dir) =>;

const scopes = DEFAULT_SCOPES.concat(packageDirNames);

module.exports = {
  extends: ["monorepo"],
  rules: {
    "scope-enum": [2, "always", scopes],


Why not @commitlint/config-conventional?

  • This minimal ruleset is meant to be added to another config. Use it with @commitlint/config-conventional if you want!

  • Mandatory scope provides consistency and discourages haphazard commits that would apply to multiple scopes.

Why not use @commitlint/config-lerna-scopes or a similar pattern?

  • Being forced to be explicit about which scopes are allowed makes you more aware of them.

  • Desire to call out non-package scopes; ex. the config defaults to "repo" as a scope.

  • Lerna package names can sometimes be more verbose than is desirable in a commit message; '@my-org-name/projectname-packagename' is a common pattern, and @commitlint/config-lerna-scopes will only trim off '@my-org-name'