
Component Injector service which allows to inject dynamically components into angular2+ projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import componentInjector from '';



  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Methods
  5. Build
  6. Publish to npm
  7. Git repository
  8. Version

1. Description

component-injector or ComponentInjector is a Component Injector service which injects dynamically components into angular2+ projects

2. Installation

Install the module into your application and save it as a dev dependency in your package.json file

npm install component-injector --save-dev

3. Usage

In order to use the ComponentInjector service you have to include/import the service and its module, where the service is defined, into your application:

import {ComponentInjector, ComponentInjectorModule} from 'component-injector';

Register it in your application's imports list of your @NgModule(...):

  imports: [ComponentInjectorModule],

Using the method setComponentFactories() provide the entryComponents list of the application's @NgModule(...).
The file ./src/app/app.module.ts:

import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';

import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
import {ContainerComponent} from './container/container.component';
import {HeroComponent} from './hero/hero.component';

import {ComponentInjector, ComponentInjectorModule} from 'component-injector';

// the list of components which can be injected dynamically
const entryComponents: any[] = [HeroComponent];

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  entryComponents: entryComponents, // <-- don't forget to specify the list in here as well !!!
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {

  constructor(private componentInjector: ComponentInjector) {
    // provide the entryComponents list - the list of components which can be injected dynamically

Import the service into your service or other components:

import {ComponentInjector} from "component-injector";

add it as a parameter into your constructor, to inject it automatically and use it in the class methods:

export class ContainerComponent {
  @ViewChild('injectContainer', {read: ViewContainerRef}) injectContainer: ViewContainerRef;
  constructor(protected componentInjector: ComponentInjector) {
  protected injectComponent(componentSelector: string): ComponentRef<any> {
    let result: ComponentRef<any>;
    if (componentSelector) {
      result = this.componentInjector.inject(this.injectContainer, componentSelector);

    return result;

where injectContainer is the container element defined in your HTML template and where the dynamic components will be injected (HTML template of the ContainerComponent component):

<div #injectContainer></div>

4. Methods

inject(container: ViewContainerRef, componentSelector: string): ComponentRef

Inject a component into a ViewContainerRef element

container - ViewContainerRef element where to inject the component
componentSelector - Selector of the component which should be injected

Method returns ComponentRef of the injected component.

setProperties(componentRef: ComponentRef, properties: any): void

Set public properties of the component specified by the componentRef

componentRef - ComponentRef object where should be attached the properties
properties - Object which contains the keys (name of the property) and values (value of the property)

Method returns nothing - void.

remove(componentRef: ComponentRef): void

Remove a component by its ComponentRef

componentRef - ComponentRef which should be removed

Method returns nothing - void.

setComponentFactories(componentsList: Type[]): void

Define the factories for the entryComponents list

componentsList - the list of entryComponents defined in the the app's module @NgModule()

Method returns nothing - void.

5. Build

To build the final package run this command:

ng build component-injector

The build process will generate the packed sources into the dist folder.

6. Publish to npm

To publish the new version to npm, go into the dist folder:

cd ./dist/component-injector

and publish it to npm:

npm publish --access public

7. Git repository


8. Version
